Meet the next generation: Monzo for Under 16s šŸŽ‰

My daughterā€™s phone tells her she canā€™t use Apple Pay until sheā€™s 13 when we try and add any cards.

Apple Support says 13 Set up Apple Pay ā€“ Apple Support (UK) but also says varies by regionā€¦

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My daughterā€™s phone (android) wont let her add her Revolut card to Google Pay until sheā€™s 16, yet added Hyperjar.

Go figure how these wallets work :man_shrugging:

Apologies if this was already answered as quickly read the comments but will kids be able to send and receive money into their account?

Have tried a couple of different accounts like HyperJar and Starling and neither let you so they currently have Lloydā€™s kids accounts which do allow this.

Great to see this being released and what will come next.

GoHenry wouldnā€™t allow Apple Pay use till 13, so itā€™s not a surprise


Ah thanks obviously missed that one. Will be good when that comes

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Any chance this thread I got will be used for a FAQ as I was searching but couldnā€™t see if the question was already asked (apologies if it was) :grimacing:

Will the accounts have their own sort code and account number? Or, if not, have a reference to use that automatically puts a transfer in directly to the child account?

We use Revolut currently and the biggest gripe is friends and family having to send me money so I can then transfer it to the kids accounts. And some would rather pay the kids cash (that they give to me to transfer to their account).

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Having never used a child account (but I will soon) when my child will be old enoughā€¦

I assume if people were allowed to transfer straight into your childs account youā€™d want to be notified in some way or a limit on the amount? Then you can help them understand the implications of how quickly they can burn through birthday money without proper consideration etc?

Also prevent them getting into issues with money mules and the likes.

Notified, sure. Having to go to your bank account first? Donā€™t think thatā€™s necessary.

Nutmeg was the best thing for me with extended family. I know these folks well enough to assume that any money I give to their kids will get spent by the parents on the parents. Nutmeg meant I could send it straight to that kidā€™s ISA, where itā€™s their money, not their parents.

If not bank transfers (which presumably would notify the parent?), then special links that the parent can set up for friends and extended family (similar to that gohenry feature) would be nice.

This is great! We have accounts with Starling at the moment but really dislike how they work. Starling is actually the best available because a lot of banks will only let you have 1 child account per adult account, or make you pay a monthly charge which is often more than the pocket money we give!

Hoping for a few things:

  1. Child accounts can have multiple adult moderators (or linked to a joint account?) - thinking if thereā€™s 2 parents or guardians - and paying into their accounts can be done like transferring into a joint account
  2. The accounts have some way of depositing into like, or even a sort code/account number if thatā€™s possible!
  3. The moderation that adults can do is fine-tuned enough to set daily/weekly limits, or even remotely freeze the card?

I guess it depends on the age and circumstances - being new to all of this I was just curious.

In your example where the parents spend the money, I guess thereā€™s nothing that could be put in place to stop that :open_mouth:

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Hi there! We know this is a big need for parents and children so weā€™re working on a few options at the moment. Canā€™t promise itā€™ll be there for our early launch date but itā€™s top of the roadmap - weā€™ll be coming back soon with more questions on this, as itā€™s something we want to make sure weā€™re getting right!


Excellent idea and proposed product. A mini Monzo account is something we need for my kids. If the app could provide some educational areas related to financial literacy that would be even better!


ā€¦ could provide some educational areas related to financial literacy ā€¦

Absolutely this.

I spent many years working in the Education Sector advocating for this - to little avail.

The real world is fast outsripping the paltry offerings that are currently in place - for something which is so vitally important.


Finally, i hate having to open different accounts to do different things. I held out for this so glad it is finally hitting.

Out of curiosityā€¦.

Do the new Under 16 accounts have their own account numbers so you can send faster payments to them?

Alsoā€¦ will it be possible to send in cheques addressed to the child?

My sister has a Kite card, but whenever she gets a cheque from a grandparent she canā€™t cash it as she doesnā€™t have a ā€œrealā€ bank account in her name.

(Iā€™m expecting both of those questions to be a no, but thought it might be worth checking)


Iā€™m wondering if itā€™s possible to set a buffer for any public transport spending to avoid some of this issue.

Luckily up here in Scotland children under 22 get free bus travel so less likely to hit the issue.

Iā€™m looking forward to the child cards especially being able to have both parents having access to the account. However I suspect the almost 5 year old will complain that he wonā€™t get a card when the 8 year old does. At least itā€™ll only be a year until that changes with it being from age 6.

We also have no plans to allow the kids to have a smart phone until late teens, though they may get a simpler feature phone earlier. So access to the account by the child would need to be Web based on the interim.

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She gets Ā£115 a month allowance but she has to buy clothes, her bus pass to get to school, presents for family members as well as any fun money from that. We think we probably went a bit generous (sheā€™s 13), but weā€™ll not increase it by much (anything) at her next birthday! Sheā€™s really learning to budget thoughā€¦.

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Some way (be that via Bacs or for people other than the linked parent account to add funds to the account would be a non negotiable for me. It wouldnā€™t be ideal requiring one single parent in a separated situation to be a middleman for the other side of their childā€™s family members transferring money!