Meet the next generation: Monzo for Under 16s 🎉

Thanks @Sarahm

For early adopters, will it be easy to switch a kids account link from a Personal account to a Joint account?

Likely too early for an answer, but a flow through to what people really want must have a plan to get there?

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This is excellent news and the insight into the research and development made for a good read.

I wish this kind of thing had been around when my daughters were at that age.

Another step towards having a complete suite of products for every stage of life. Good stuff.

I wish the team well and hope it’s a great success (and I do like the look of that blue card)


So happy to see this and can’t wait to get my 9yo started. Kudos to Hyperjar who has served us well until this :pray:

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I can just imagine a new advert running on this alone!


Already happened/happening


Just spoken to my younger brother and he said I can borrow his neon card :rofl:


Just waiting for someone to say your not allowed to do that




Hi David, we don’t have a strict answer for this yet but we’ll definitely take this idea into account when releasing the co-parent experience.


Thanks for the realistic response. I’ll certainly try the initial tied-to-Personal account iteration asap and switch to co-parent control when/if available.


Been waiting for this. Just signed up for early access.

Will this work for multiple children at the start?


Hi Michael, yes you’ll be able to create an account for each child :+1:


This is what I’ve been waiting for!


This is great news!
Fingers crossed this is available before September so I don’t have to pay revolut for another year of plus for <18 accounts.

2 questions that I have

Will Co-parent feature be available with out a joint account. (Both need to be able to add and withdraw money)

Will the child be able to send/ receive money to other approved monzo users? I.e siblings/ grandparents/ relatives?


How will Monzo handle delayed transactions with the child account whereupon child account has insufficient funds at time of collection.

Case example. My kids have a hyperjar account. They have, say, £2 balance in their jar/account. Bus fare is £2 but bus company just take an initial 10p. Kids spend the balance as it’s available, only to then have insufficient funds when bus company comes to collect the balance of the fare, ie £1.90

I had hyperjar strictly because kids cannot go into debit. However, hyperjar take that £1.90 from my wallet, leaving me in debit and then send me snotty emails because my account is in debit.

Obviously, I’m not too concerned as not a proper bank account and so doesn’t report to CRA. HOWEVER, if Monzo do same protocol, I would go into an unauthorised overdraft as I have never had or used overdrafts in my life.

Suffice to say, I have now ditched Hyperjar and my child is currently using Revolut. Negative bridge not crossed yet with them.

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Hi Brad :wave:

Will Co-parent feature be available with out a joint account. (Both need to be able to add and withdraw money)

Yes the co-parent experience won’t be available only to joint account holders.

Will the child be able to send/ receive money to other approved monzo users? I.e siblings/ grandparents/ relatives?

P2P transfers won’t be available from day 1 but it’s on our roadmap.


This was my issue with Kite (it’s particularly tricky when you’re separated).

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Hi there!

In this scenario we would take the money from your main Monzo account in the same way as we would today if you personally went on the bus and this happened, so we always suggest you ensure there is a small balance in your main account for these scenarios.

We’ll also notify you right away if this happens so that you can ensure money is added to account. We’d love to hear feedback on how this is working (once the accounts are available), and if there is something else that would improve the experience for you so please do let us know!


do you have to prove the kid exists or can i make up a kid to get the neon card?


Monzo inadvertently creates a new class of criminal - the Child Fraudographer.