Meet the next generation: Monzo for Under 16s 🎉

I’m in. Android

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5.86.1 android not working. Crashes out of the workflow when i click agree to terms and conditions.

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I’m Android, on the 5.86.1 too and still not working for me :frowning:

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I get kicked back to the Home Screen after accepting the T&Cs on iPhone, app version 5.86.0

Sure that’s supposed to be 5.86.1

I’m on 5.86.1 beta and I get kicked back to the home screen at the accepting T&C’s stage too.

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Here’s how to get it to work:

DON’T tap on the notification. Instead, tap on the ‘+’ at the top-right of Home, than tap on ‘Monzo for Under 16s’ - that worked for me


Same here - iOS TestFlight 5.87.0 kicking me out after T&C acceptance

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Interesting, it does work this way! :open_mouth:

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Works on iOS that way too

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Next problem. My son hasn’t received an email

Are we downloading the regular Monzo app or a new child one?

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Regular Monzo app!

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There is only one Monzo app :confused:

Got my email. Now waiting for my youngest to choose his card colour

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Yeah that’s hard to know when there’s no setup info.

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Hi Glen, your child needs to download the monzo app and enter the email you signed them up with. Then they will receive the magic link email.

Let us know if you run into any issues with this.

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I’m also at the card-colour-choice stage. Can’t make his mind up!

But in the meantime… I received an email informing I’d opened the account and chosen the card and the card is on it’s way - but I haven’t chosen a card yet. Something out of step?


Thanks. You might want to consider adding some more obvious set-up instructions.

Incredible sleuthing, thanks @davidwalton!

Looks like we used the wrong link in the push notification and carousel message we sent you, but the “Add product” menu at the top of your overview screen will work as expected. Please shout at me if that’s not the case for you!


Is there a rough timeline for when it will be rolled out to people who joined the waitlist in the app but not the list on this thread?