It’s @tapas!
I remember interviewing Tapas last year and being struck by his astonishing level of compassion. Exactly the kind of person we’d want helping our customers.
You’re a star, Tapas - we’re lucky to have you.
@tapas This might interest you:
Prom 41: Philip Glass and Ravi Shankar
I think his hat keeps performing disappearing acts??
I sure tapas was all ready staff year ago
Yeah I have a chat from him in support from circa July 2016
Yep he is Been staff while now
I liked you mentioned compassion. I perceived the same from Tapas when I watched the video COps (Customer Operations) Q+A on Youtube.
I really enjoyed these two reflexions about compassion and empathy:
Does Tapas still work here or has he moved on?
Monzo legend!
I’m afraid he’s moved on, he left the company earlier this year. However, his impact continues to be felt in the company to this day!