M&S order cancelled was refunded but charged same amount again

I’m not sure there’s much more to be said than has already been said.

I prescribe leaving this topic until tomorrow and wishing the OP a speedy resolution to their problem.


Part of me wonders if this related to a problem that we occasionally see where:

  • you make a purchase online for X amount & it authorises at £X
  • you cancel the order
  • merchant does this weird thing within the mastercard lifecycle which essentially refunds you £X+£X then charges you £X
  • our app then handles this rather bizarrely because it often turns the first transaction into a refund (usually several days prior) and then shows a charge on the customer’s account at the time the refund is actually processed.

When I worked frontline the only way I could explain it was by screenshotting the statement and highlighting the different transactions in green and red.

I have no idea how this bizarre mastercard lifecycle would interact with Flex though as my credit history is so poor that I don’t get offered our own lending products :joy:

@Maneesh I’m really sorry this has been such a complex issue. I can’t help because I don’t know how this all works internally, but if you haven’t yet raised a complaint you can email complaints@monzo.com and somebody from the team will pick it up.


And blue for presentment by memory? :upside_down_face: It’s been a few months, but yeah screen snips were a saviour at times!

Assuming that was directed at my post I’ve since deleted it.

I really wasn’t but fine

Was just saying what I saw which is I thought it was funny. :woman_shrugging::man_shrugging:

This thread has since descended into lower gutters so I’m out.

You are right. His current account never been charged by M&S as he used virtual flex. So they refunded £600 to his current account and he is still owe £600 to flex not £1200. And refunded £600 n his current account he have to pay them back to flex. This is what his screenshot shows. He paid back £200 from £600 refunded to current accoun

Oh come on now let’s not start this shit again.

Even if the £600 was refunded to the current account, the Flex thread (the information we’re privy to) still shows two debits and one credit. Elementary school maffs says

-£600 - £600 + £600 = -£600

So regardless where OP was refunded to he’s still £600 out of pocket until M&S refund or Monzo charge back. Unless @Dan5 (the most helpful of people on here :heart:) is right and Monzo just can’t cope with merchant shenanigans and it created a second entry somewhere completely unconnected to the Flex transaction.

OP comes on here for help and suggestions and he’s gaslit and attacked. What a community of experts we are.

OP I hope you get it sorted but I think this thread is ripe for a lockin’.


What did anyone seriously expect to happen here? That very first screenshot in this thread is, in my humble opinion open to interpretation, so people were only using that to try and help identify what might have happened here.

Also I just want to suggest that anyone (at the risk of being accused of ad hominem attacks again) who suggests that anyone is being gaslit here may wish to consider their words.

Gaslighting is a serious method of abuse, and it’s a very different thing to what’s happening here.


This is not the tomorrow I had in mind.


I’ve messaged @AlanDoe - I think everyone (me included) needs to step back here and take five, so this thread has probably run its course. In my opinion.

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No need to get all dramatic about it.

OP posted some info, but it’s very difficult to work out what’s going on without all the info/statement, no OPs fault, just the way it is.

Chase it up with Monzo/M&S, the community can’t help.

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Read some of the other responses :slight_smile:

I’m in agreement with you - the OP was looking for help, the community tried to help, some members started flinging words and it all got a little silly.

I think that’s a powerful point - and an existential one. We can help, but to an extent. At what point is it the right thing for someone at Monzo to say “looks like the community members are struggling, time to pause this thread so staff can look at it”


I think the OP was more sharing frustration at the quality of customer service, and then ambiguous postings, and comments were made.

I’m still pretty firmly of the belief (now) that the 2nd transaction will just auto-reverse from M&S, and then everything will be fine after the 30 day period (or the delivery will happen :sweat_smile:)


In order to figure out what happened someone solving this would need a further screenshot of what happened in the current account on 16th Feb and shortly after, because the only screenshot shows 600.50 was returned to current account, which is confusing.

If an extra 600.50 has arrived in current account and gone back out to flex again then OP has been double charged, if 600.50 has arrived in current account and stayed then that is where the refund has gone.

Just another 2p worth on this confusing issue.

The way I see it, @TheoGibson personally owes OP £600 of M&S vouchers.

That’s the end of it.


From looking at the screenshot above this is what’s happened :point_up:

Purchase was £600.50 → M&S refunded £600.50 which paid off the transaction → M&S refunded another £600.50 but because the transaction was already paid off we’ll have paid the £600.50 into your current account → M&S requested another £600.50.

Your net position should be £0 because the extra £600.50 in your current account nets off against the £600.50 M&S transaction.

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Is there a reason we don’t see two refunds then? I suspect this is where the confusion is occurring.

If that is the case then I’m surprised that the OP didn’t notice extra money in his CA. From what he has said above though, there isn’t anything extra in the CA.


After initialling thinking @Carlo1460 was wrong… He’s right

CA Flex Notes
Pre 16th £0.00 -£600.50 Start of the Flex ‘account’
16th 1. £0.00 £0.00 Inital refund
16th 2. £600.50 £0.00 Credit from Flex to CA
16th 3. £600.50 -£600.50 Flex charge

Assuming OP on the 16th did get £600.50 credited to his CA, then that needs to be paid to the Flex account and everything will balance at £0

:monzo: really messed up here. Nothing should have gone to the CA as OP didn’t make any additional payments and the initial payment was via the Flex card.


It’s not for Monzo to decide where the refund goes. If the transactions are linked, then it goes where it came from, but that’s on the merchant.

they’re not. The transaction was from the Flex card. Nothing to do with the CA.

Re-read what I said.