I came up with an idea at work the other week to make online card payments more secure, easier and faster the other week. Not wanting to reveal too much right now, but not having a business/finance background (I work in electronics and program as a hobby) I could do with some pointers on where to go for advice and support on the Fintech side of things.
The programming bit I’ve got pretty much nailed down, spent today starting work on an acquirer/payment processor simulated back-end and hope to have a complete card payment simulator by the end of the week.
If it works it would make services like PayPal obsolete for single purchases where a buyer funds direct from card and the seller withdraws all funds, whilst being more secure from a customers data point of view. It would most likely be cheaper for sellers too.
Until I have a working prototype/demo ready to show I’ll be keeping most of the details close.
Any tips or pointers are appreciated