Lifetime ISA Suggestions

HL or nutmeg

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Will check out; thanks!

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What a drama nutmeg is.

Go to open, jumps me to Chase app to investments section, I previously went part through the flow but didn’t fully go with it some years back.

Anyway, tried to go as new customer, error, existing customer, send forgot password link, which never arrives.

Spent 5 mins on a call to a nice girl, anyway, logged a ticket, it’ll take up to two weeks to investigate or resolve :sleepy:

My confidence is low with them for now :sweat_smile:

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Well then, I’ve never had that but I was never a customer before hand either tbh. Maybe try HL or Marcus they are also good

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Raised it with Chase too, who are surprisingly responsive via chat.

They’re having a look, as they might be able to resolve their side.

Hopefully they fix it, it is nice to see it inside the chase app tbh

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Aye, don’t wanna be firing off registrations to places I don’t need to.

Can you move funds directly within the Chase app?

Sure can

I’ve linked my accounts. How can I pay into my Nutmeg pots?

When you’ve linked your accounts, you can pay into any pot (except your pension) straight from the Chase app. You can pay in as little as you like, right up to £25,000 a day.

To pay into a Nutmeg pot, you’ll need to set up Nutmeg as a payee (if you haven’t already). In the Chase app, tap the 3 dots next to the pot you want to pay into, choose ‘Pay in’, then ‘Add Nutmeg as a payee’.

Then to pay in:

  1. In the Chase app, tap the 3 dots next to the account you want to pay from
  2. Select ‘Pay in’
  3. Choose one of your Nutmeg pots
  4. Enter how much you’d like to pay in, and follow the on-screen steps

Alternatively, you can still pay into any pot (except your pension) using the Nutmeg app or web dashboard.


This kind of integration would work well for me.

Chase to bring dark mode and category exclusions please :call_me_hand:t3:

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Na I’ve never been with Nutmeg.

They said there’s a partial setup account from when I went through the flow via the Chase app when they integrated with them, I didn’t fully complete the application to sign up to Nutmeg so it’s just stuck in weird limbo.

When I called my name, old address, DOB were already on screen for them as they went through security.

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