K-Ring integration?

True I guess. I’ll probably contact them and see if I can weasel out of the fees. I wish that they just let you link it to your bank account and not pay any fees.

For a minute I was tempted to buy one and give it a try. But after I looked at the fees they put me right off, especially the ongoing ones. Would be too easy to end up in a situation where I’m effectively paying for nothing.

I don’t think the fees are that much, just a bit of a nuisance and seem to want to catch people who aren’t using it and leak away their money. From what I can see it’s only £5 a year after two years - whilst I hate fees like this, it isn’t too much. I don’t like the closure fee, that really puts me off especially if you spend £100 on one.

Anyone know what the lite vs standard means?

The link from @hdwrng above covers this, basically transaction limits from what it looks like.

Yeah but I’m wondering how you know what tier you are on.

It looks like you simply choose, by selecting which ring you buy. On the basis they cost the same, I can’t see any real benefit in buying the ‘lite’

Yeah, it doesn’t make much sense.

Edit: Found more information, the answer is here: https://mykring.com/en/content/faqs/#shw-s13008-q11074

Just set up my account, and seems that I am standard automatically. Don’t think lite even exists anymore :confused:

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They should merge and make it an option for Monzo Plus users. Shouldn’t cost them much since Kerv (now K-Wearables) are struggling and need this.

Monzo will stand out against all the other fintechs offering metal cards. I only see it as a win win. :moneybag::bulb:


Yer this would be awesome. What happened @tom

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Was just doing a search on this. I saw them whilst I was in Australia late last year and thought they’d be cool.

Would definitely use one if linked to my Monzo account. Handy to be able to go out to a bar without having to carry my wallet or phone. Same if by a pool or on the beach.

Just a nudge on this. Using my k ring today I was reminded of the activity on this subject a while ago. @tom did this ever get anywhere?

Gonna guess that priorities lie elsewhere, as I can’t imagine the volume of k ring users would make this a worth while effort in front of other requested features?