Just received a mail that Monzo are closing my account

I know it’s not healthy at all and I know my psychotherapist will not endorse it but I genuinely feel I have the right to know (again, I also know T&Cs). I know most people will not believe me but I have not used my account in any way which would have caused this. I just don’t get this at all.

I’ve invested a couple of thousand pounds and still want Monzo to be successful but I just can’t let go.

I have read so many threads here about people getting their accounts abruptly closed. I never thought this could happen to me but now that it has I want to make sense of it. The only way I can do that is to try everything I can legally do and if in the end, nothing comes out of it, I will at least feel that I have tried.


I can’t remember which way round it was but there is some form of manual review. It’s either before your account was closed or after…

I’ll see if I can find the comment unless someone else can beat me to it.

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I can’t find the comment I had in mind but I can tell you that it isn’t automated. So someone has likely reviewed your account already and decided that you have fallen foul of the T&Cs…

Then as you mentioned, you already know they can’t tell you what you did wrong.

Not on Facebook I am afraid. And really not sure if you’re being sarcastic!!

Apologies, I was being sarcastic. That was out of order. I think I’ve seen so many “I am a regular person who has fallen foul of Monzo and their abuse towards nice folks” type posts that I didn’t even bother to accept you might be genuine. I will do better.


This makes me more concerned tbh, because if someone actually reviewed my account and it was closed then I really want to know what prompted this because again, genuinely can’t understand because there has been nothing out of the ordinary on my account and I have never been refused credit or denied account or got account closed until today.
It just complicates things in my head.

All you can do is ask, but I personally wouldn’t get your hopes up :crossed_fingers:

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I agreed with your message up until this point. I’m also very much on the things should change side, but moaning on a forum isn’t going to achieve anything. A petition to government or lobbying an MP, maybe, but still unlikely


Is it possible you have been doing bank transfers to other persons who might have been flagged as “dodgy”, and you’ve been caught by association?

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Hard to tell unless their name is ‘fraudulent Freddy’


And down the rabbit hole we go… :laughing: :see_no_evil:


Everyone is innocent online.

Would it be wrong if I post my whole account history here? Genuinely tempted but I don’t want to do something against forum etiquettes and t&cs.

Probably not the best idea for your security.

But if it says £100 to/from Joe Bloggs, that could be the trigger that the transaction won’t show us.


There’s no need to flag this… They have already acknowledged and I really appreciated that. Can a CC please remove the flag? I am looking at you @Rat_au_van

Yes, you would put yourself at more risk for things like identity theft if nothing else.

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I’m not CC anymore

And CC can’t remove flags


Ah, sorry I been away for far too long.

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That would be @AlanDoe and he will likely close the topic too because it’s nonconstructive.

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Very cynical. Think positive :slight_smile: Most people are good