Joint Pots for Individual accounts

It would be really useful to be able to have a joint pot with an individual account, so everyone within a set group can deposit money in to the pot, and you can each see how much you have contributed easily. This is useful for all types of things, for saving for a holiday, paying bills in shared accommodation, etc. I understand you can do this with a Joint account already, but would be great to have the ability without having to sign up for a Joint account. With the ability to add more than one person to the pot even.

Another simple and quick example being, when in a relationship you may want to go on holiday or save for something together, but you may not be at the stage for a joint account yet, it would be great to have the ability to just pay in to a pot which you can both authorise any withdrawal from at any point, and be able to see how much each has contributed to the pot.

One more example; as a family of 5, we all put money in to a dog fund incase of any need for the vets etc. We all manually transfer money and eventually after a lot of admin it gets to the savings account, but only one person can see it. Again, if we could all share a pot, and see what we have each put in, it would be great and very handy!

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Shared Pots - where did it go!