January Open Office streaming here

From 7pm this evening :tada:

On January the 13th PSD2 (The 2nd Payment Services Directive) becomes law, requiring banks to make personal data available to their customers using a common API.

Monzo is an “API first” bank - everything we’ve built is accessible via our API. It’s been a long standing commitment of ours to offer API services, so our developer community can build awesome applications and access their spending data. Up to now we’ve had limited time and resources to spend on this, but change is coming!

Simon Vans Colina gives some context to one of the most hotly discussed issues in fintech, including an update on plans for the Monzo API this coming year and an insight into how open banking could revolutionise the industry’s approach to personal data and how we use it.


I can barely hear it :frowning:

Without sounding horrible, there are very few Monzo streams that haven’t had issues, I think doing some privated test ones and taking a good look at the audio setup for it is absolutely necessary, purely because I don’t want these sorts of things to reflect badly on you guys :slight_smile: <3

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