Jailbreak detection of Monzo app?

As title suggested, does the Monzo app detect if an iPhone is jailbroken? (Because my app have been crashing whenever I start it)

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Are you sure you want to run your banking app on a device that could be compromised?


Or any app, really…

Barclays don’t allow their app to be run on jailbroken iPhones and go to very great lengths to ensure that. Especially if you’re dealing with sums of £100,000+ in business accounts. As truly annoying as it is, it makes sense to do the same with Monzo from a security perspective. So I hope they do do it.

Might not apply to iOS too, but it works on rooted and beta software android phones, the reason I switched over to Monzo when Barclays stopped working for me - I’m on beta for Q currently. Of course I have now discovered there are so many reasons to stay with Monzo now I’ve tried it.


Can confirm it’s working again on the unc0ver 3.1.2 update, it’s probably a small bug in 3.1.0. Also jailbreaking is safer than you probably would like to think

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See the 5 digit login on my Barclays app oh no ,

See my password and memorable word when I login on the browser because I can’t use the app, yeah that’s better.

Most (if not all) people who root are using magisk to hide the root, so there’s no real point in enforcing the no root policy, invest in a good sandbox for the app.

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