Introducing Extra, Perks and Max

Best get to it then!


I have… though there are still a few residual issues like not being able to add my card to Apple Pay yet

Same happened to my wife, once she activated the physical card in app it let her add it then.

Not sure if that’s how it works or was purely coincidence though.

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Thanks. Support are looking into it too.

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This happened to me once. It turned out, you got one chance to add to Apple Pay before the card arrived and that was that, might’ve changed since.

In the meantime I setup a VC and told it to pay from my account.

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That’s a clever workaround, thanks.

So it’s been almost 24 hours since my hot coral card arrived and 48 hours since I downgraded from Perks to Extra and the Monzo app hasn’t hassled me to activate the hot coral card yet. :crossed_fingers:t2:


Has the delivery date lapsed for the card?

Ah no, in fact it says 15-23 May so it came a day early lol.

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Might nudge you later down the line, though I’m sure my prompt disappeared anyway after downgrading premium to free and kept my metal card.

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I’ll see how it goes, for now it’s just hidden in the card details page. If they start adding banners to the main home page I’ll probably end up activating it, I’m not that tied to the Perks card. :laughing:

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Only had to dismiss it a few times and it never came back.

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If that’s the case I’ll definitely keep the Perks card until it expires in 2029! I almost went for the Burnt Coral Max card to try and keep but honestly think it’s the worst card currently. :sweat_smile:

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I can bet good money you will not keep that card active until 2025 never mind 2029 :joy:

I’d even bet you’ll move banks by end of August :eyes:


I seem to have a rep for switching banks because of my recent toe dip into RBS. :joy: I’ve only switched banks 4 times, and 2 of those were to Monzo!

Yorkshire Bank (had since I was 15) > Starling (2019) > Monzo (Jan 2024) > RBS (March 2024) > Monzo (May 2024)

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Given how long you’ve stayed with Monzo the last time you’ll be moving again by July :wink:


I blame you for luring me in with RBS, I’ve seen the light. :star_struck:

To be fair the main reason we stayed with Starling so long is because my Wife closed her Monzo account then wasn’t allowed back for nearly 2 years.

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It’s a hill I’m willing to die on, I’d take the standard hot coral over burnt coral.


It’s so good I’m almost tempted to go up and back down and then hope I can dismiss the notification and keep it.