International Reach?

I was interested to learn of Monzo. are the cards useable outside the UK ?

They can be used outside the UK but can at the moment only be applied for by adults resident in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Long term it is Monzo’s plan to make accounts available to people in other countries, but no details are available on this at this point in time.

The cards are on the Mastercard network so can be used anywhere that Mastercard is accepted. Because it is currently a prepaid card it may not work in some unattended terminals but there is generally wide acceptance of the Monzo outside the UK.


It might be helpful to check out the Travelling with Monzo thread too. There’s lot of helpful country specific information from the community on using Monzo abroad, what works and what doesn’t.

To get the most from your Monzo card I would recommend requesting ID verification via the Help button in the app (if you haven’t received a feed item yet!) as once complete you will have higher daily spending and withdrawal limits on your account.

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While the card can be used in ePOS terminals abroad you will definately need to have your ID verified as @Naji mentions in order to use ATM.

As a security measure magstrip withdrawals are disabled by default but in some countries where they have older non-chip and pin ATM you will need to enable magstrip transactions and depending in the app you have (Android or iPhone) this can either be enabled in the app or by messaging Customer Services

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