If this has been discussed many times before, please direct me to the correct place (or close this), but I did search and didn’t find anything specifically related to this.
Currently, if I make a payment of £10 in a store for Groceries, and my girlfriend is going to give me half the money, then the £5 she makes to me isn’t linked back to that payment, meaning each month I miss out targets because the money coming back in isn’t attributed to anything. My suggestions are as follows.
Incoming payments can connect the two payments together so my Groceries section only shows £5 going out of my account.
Allow the incoming payments to be organised into a Category, so it reduces the amount on that section.
If there’s a way around this currently, I’m all ears, but my targets are skewed every single month and currently me and my girlfriend (who both use Monzo) just take turns on buying the groceries.
This has been mentioned before but that’s no problem Monzo are working on a solution -
AFAIK, the only workaround to deal with this now, is the increase the Category’s Target by the amount that was repaid, to cancel out the debit. You don’t need to increase your Total Monthly Target, as the repayment is picked up by that. Obviously updating the category’s Target is a pain, especially if you need to do that quite often but it would enable your Target’s alerts & performance against target tracking to work as expected.
A few months down the line, just wondering if there’s a proposed update to categorising incoming money?Going back through my usage of Monzo which has hit 1 solid year now, not a single month of Monzo spending is accurate because of receiving money from my partner and flatmates for various bills and payments. Would be great to know there’s a solution coming, so I can go back over the previous spending and also have a fix for future spending and usage.
I think this is going to be a current account thing (though no information I’m aware of saying whether at launch or after). In general, I wouldn’t expect any new features before the current accounts, which seem to be imminent. But as far back as October, Hugo acknowledged that targets need to be able to reflect the amount you are responsible for, not simply your transaction amount. So I think it’s fair to assume that this is a priority in improving the targets and bill splitting.
Personally, I’ve had to disable targets, as I have too many expenses or split bills, and so it requires constant manual adjusting. That sort of input requirement on my part is exactly why I don’t use budgeting software. I think if Monzo want the targets feature to be useful, it will have to be really frictionless, and that includes accounting for repayments you get (and splitting transactions between categories).
Is there a way that when I split (for example) a Tesco shop with my flatmate only the half of the shop I paid for is added to my target amount… Currently the app is registering that I’m paying for the full shop, when I’m actually only paying for half, which basically makes the whole monthly target thing pointless.
To add to this - is there any intention to keep payment splits/requests within the app so you don’t have to create a monzo.me link within messenger. Sometime this is a bit buggy and doesn’t open the correct page within Monzo if you click the link.
If this was sorted as well as the app intelligently changing the amount that your grocerie/eating out etc. outgoings were based on bill splits were that would be perfect for budgeting.
My boyfriend and I both use Monzo and take turns to pay for things i.e groceries then just split to bill, which is great and easy.
However if I buy the groceries in my summary it adds the whole amount, and the money he gives me goes into my income, which just skews the summary really.
Is there a way of linking his payment to the original and taking it away from my groceries category to make it representative. I tend to use my card more for the shopping as I like building my coin jar up.
It’s a great idea and you’re not alone. There’s a lot of posts just like this!
I’ve not seen anything from Monzo about this just yet, but a few people have said they are working on this as well as grouping transactions such as Coin Jar payments, or multiple transactions at the same place in a short space of time.
They have ‘improved bill splitting’ on the road map for within 6 months and this has been talked about since monzo.me was released so hopefully it’s sooner rather than later.