Graph your TFL transactions with this online app

I’ve written a web app that creates a graph of all TFL transactions over the past 12 months.

You can see it working here:

It’s 100% open source and on github:

It was made so that I could brush up on react/laravel/docker and the monzo api (and to prove to myself that I don’t need to buy a year long travel card!)

It’s not entirely finished but works for the most part.

Hopefully people will find it useful.

Here’s a preview:


Monzo auth does not submit


I don’t think this will work? Monzo apps have to have the user ID added to them iirc + there’s a limit of 10? Maybe it’s changed since I last used it

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Same. Nothing happens on hitting Submit.

Hmm, I did not realise that you can’t use the api for public apps. Oh well, time to close the thread.

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It’s fairly trivial to get around - just ask users for their own oauth client/secret + instruct them to set a redirect URI you give :+1:


That’s a plan. I’m going to modify it work with starling as well. And other banks with apis eventually.

Probably should have read the big red warning on the api documentation…

Probably should, yeah.

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App has been updated to take your client_id and auth keys now - along with working with starling too.

I tried it but what does it do? :eyes:

What does this mean?


It means you spend 68£ per month on average on tfl services with your contactless.

And if you pick zones 1-6 it tells you how much it would cost you if you were to either buy a travel card or a commuter club travel card.

Admittedly it does need to be labelled and laid out better so thanks for the feedback!

Ahhh ok I get it now, either way still saving just using contactless.


@anon72173902, yes, assuming my maths are right!

I am guessing you are saying a zone 6 travel card pm is £87.67 if so then that is wrong


Does it include the discounted student travel card prices?

It’s a shame I use my Amex for TfL - I really need this. I bought a travel card when I didn’t need one for my first two years at uni :frowning:

Pretty sure it means equivalent monthly spend resulting from an annual Zone 6 travelcard, which is £1,052 or equivalently £1,052/12 = £86.67 monthly. If you buy 12 monthly travelcards at £101, that’ll run you more.

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