Google Pixel 4 / Pixel 4 XL

Those photos are stunning! As an iPhone user, I’m very jealous.

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Thanks very much, it’s the best I can do with the light pollution in my area.

There isn’t a hardware reason the iPhone can’t do what the pixel can do in the first shot, iPhone just hasn’t got there yet with software.

Once I can get somewhere with no light pollution I will do another comparison.

While both great, that bottom :camera: shot is wallpaper-worthy :desktop_computer: - great stuff :+1:

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There is very little light pollution where I live (small island near the coast of Scotland), it would be perfect for astrophotography! I can only hope iPhone receives a software update to take them.

To be fair, if you have a manual photo app for your iPhone you might be able to do something similar.

Can the iPhone shoot raw? 10 second exposures at f2.8 or lower iso 1600 and you can shoot composite images.

I might try it on the pixel 4 and see what the result is like.

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Yea iPhone can do raw - quite a few camera apps out there now that support it as well :slightly_smiling_face:

Solid photos btw ! Keen to try it with my night mode on an iPhone :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I have the Halide app because it handles depth better than the stock camera app, but it certainly is capable of shooting in raw at those specifications so I’ll give it a go! :grin:

I’ve actually tried it with night mode with variable degrees of success. Whilst you can certainly see the stars, the image is very grainy and poor quality sadly! This is probably the best night mode photo I’ve taken, albeit with some light pollution from the village across the sea:


Try pointing the camera further up - in the photo its trying to balance the light source from the street lamp on the right it seems (or whatever that light source is)

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All the street lights shut off at 11:15pm here, so I’ll take another from my garden then and post back! I suspect the results will be similar but more grain and a darker sky. I’ll also try it with the Halide app set to the specifications @Cerberus outlined above and see how those turn out too! :grin:

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I make composite images using Sequator, so the key is to stack multiple images together to increase dynamic range of the stars.

sequator aligns the stars in the photo my stack was of 10 images.