Google Pixel 4 / Pixel 4 XL

I disagree about the reviews, all of the ones I’ve read/watched agree the battery life is poor and it does not last, or barely lasts, a full day, which is significantly worse than most other similarly priced phones.

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Battery life dosent mean a lot to me to be honest, I have Android auto so my phone is almost always filled charged during the day

I never said it was great. I said it was ok. And for people who want a stock android experience who aren’t heavy users - it’s not as bad as it seems.

Yea there are other phones along the similar price point but they aren’t great either.

All I was trying to point out is that just because the company didn’t put a certain spec in that one phone doesn’t mean they’re trying to screw your over.

Hmmmm. Honestly I can’t really think why else they would make the battery smaller capacity than the last generation.

Because they wanted to pack the same features as the bigger phone in a size that a lot people like because the ease of use in one hand so meaning that there’s less space but they can optimise it better compared to last year because of a more efficient chip ?

Wait… no fingerprint sensor? I don’t trust face unlock… even if they fix the bug that lets it work with your eyes closed.

The 3a is still a candidate but I’m not sure I see an advantage over my 2 right now.

Technically speaking it’s an accessibility thing to have that there so you can unlock your phone without looking at it directly (eyes closed etc). But what else that doesn’t make you trust facial recognition?

Just ordered a 128gb White, my Pixel 2 has served me well but it’s time for a change.

Mine just showed up! :raised_hands:


My day has dragged as I know mine’s arrived at home and is just waiting for me. 87 more minutes and I’m on my way! I too upgraded from the 2XL to the Orange 4XL.

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Just went to Wagamama and this Pixel 4 camera is blowing my mind. This is an unedited portrait shot.

Also this is one of their new vegan deserts and it was delicious :yum:


That looks very impressive @simonb!!
The dessert also looks quite good I must say

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Got my white xl today, can’t use the new Google assistant because I have a g-suite account :man_facepalming:

At least you can use hangouts chat :smiley:

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The new Assistant isn’t available yet in the UK anyway unfortunately. I don’t have it either and my account isn’t G-Suite - I even tried changing my phone and Assistant language to US instead of UK and no dice.

Patiently waiting…

Meanwhile, my Pixel 4 XL made a friend :joy:


See you’ve got the new Prince book in the background there. Any good?

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Really, I had it working when I took Gsuite off

That is weird! Maybe I missed something in the settings.

Yes! I’m actually working with the publishers (Penguin Random House) on the marketing for it so I’ve had it for a month already even though it’s not out til tomorrow. It is very good. They had a difficult job making something tenable given that he didn’t complete much of his memoir, but they’ve done it with class and dignity, and I think it’s great. Worth it for all the handwritten lyric scans alone.