Google Next 18 - Jonas Talk

In case anyone is interested Jonas (CTO) talks breifly about Monzo at Google Next '18 Event:


Do you know where in the vid?

Just as a bit of info, Meri Williams is our CTO now! :hot_coral_heart:

Jonas is sticking around, though.


Surely she needs a Q&A on the forum?


Comes on stage at around 3 mins.

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Good to know, thanks for the update. Will do some nosing around for some info.

so is Monzo hosted on Google Cloud?

I think they are a mix of vendors. I know they use AWS (or did) and from the video obviously a GCP customer. Seems to be the norm these day but I know from experience that if Google Cloud works for you then it will be cheaper than AWS (at least with some services).

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