I’m interested in playing around with some of the projects that are listed here: https://github.com/rdingwall/awesome-monzo#awesome-monzo- but don’t have a lot of coding experience and no experience with using GitHub… I’ve played around with things like the Raspberry Pi before, but have mainly been following instructions found online etc so don’t necessarily know how things exactly work. I’ve read some brief introductions here: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-About-Version-Control but this I feel is not enough to get things started!
What would people suggest might best way for learning about it all such that I’ll be able to actually get some of these things to work for me? What are the basics that I need to be familiar with and any ideas on where best to find the information about them?
I realise this is a broad question, so any advice appreciated!
I’m not a proper developer at all so I’m probably not the best person to answer this - if anyone else answers, their advice is probably better than mine. But I’d recommend checking out Codecademy’s free courses which will teach you Git & give you some sense of what the code behind those apps are doing.
Then you’ll probably want to install applications like GitHub desktop & the Atom text editor to use to manage the code from those repositories - that’s all I use.
After that, just get stuck in! It’ll probably take you a while to get anything that requires installation set up but stick with it if I can get the Alexa integration working then anyone can! If you get stuck, you can always ask for help in the developer’s Slack too.
If you like the look of another project, think about forking it and making your own changes to the source code as well: https://guides.github.com/activities/forking/ Don’t forget to exclude any sensitive information like API keys as you wouldn’t want those getting out
With regards to the editor, Alex mentioned Atom which is a great text editor that you can use to modify source code before following the instructions to compile or be interpreted. The documentation is usually stored in the root of the github project directory in the file called ‘README.md’ which is interpreted by github and displayed.
Thanks @alexs and @Mikeee, I’ve now installed GitHub desktop and Atom so will try following through some of the Codecademy lessons and having a play around with it all and seeing what I can do!