Gaming šŸŽ®

I mean as I said before I really really dont respect any IGN reviews now. Years ago they were not so bad but now they are a joke of fluffing.

I have no doubt any Potter fan will love the game but I just dont know if its enough for me who is indifferent to Potter, I enjoy it but not mad about it.

Neither do, but I mean that tweet is your classic case of someone twisting someoneā€™s opinion to mean something it doesnā€™t and running with it to suit your agenda.

Like, if you want to validate your viewpoint, just wait for Jim Sterlingā€™s take on it, because theyā€™ll do a great job at tearing it asunder, and is always a respectable voice in games journalism. No need to grasp at straws from the few negative points in the IGN piece.

:rofl: I mean I love Jim Sterling and his reviews but they arent the best, I love his takes but I dont actually use his views to decide on games. He has been, quite often, blacklisted from early copies if I recall so who knows when he will get one up. That who black listing makes me respect no early review for fluffers and I wish there was a filter to remove them.
If Ars has not got an early copy then its shenanigans again at play, I do respect Ars reviews.

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I donā€™t think theyā€™ll be reviewing the game! Firmly in the boycott camp. Thereā€™ll no doubt be a Jimquisition on it (it was teased in last weekā€™s episode). I thought it might have been today to pre empt the launch, but then the live services started imploding, so probably next week. The cyber punk video remains one of my favourites theyā€™ve ever done.

The Jimquisition is their best content. Iā€™m sure their reviews are well done too, but I donā€™t often find myself agreeing with their opinion except when it comes to PokĆ©mon.

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I know you disagree with it, and thatā€™s fine, but the tweet isnā€™t twisting anything. All the points in highlights were genuinely made in the IGN review. All the tweet has done is strip off the subjective ā€œI love Potterā€ layer to highlight the objective points made and how theyā€™re at odds with the conclusion.

Even if you ignore the tweet and look only at the review, the ā€œVerdictā€ is damning in itself:

ā€œIn nearly every way, Hogwarts Legacy is the Harry Potter RPG Iā€™ve always wanted to play. [ā€¦] Itā€™s certainly weighed down by technical issues, a lackluster main story, and some poor enemy variety, but even those couldnā€™t come close to breaking its enchanting spell over me.ā€

Thatā€™s not a 9/10 conclusion, and never wouldā€™ve passed muster in Edge, PC Zone, or Crash.


No, I agree, itā€™s not a 9/10 review, but the statements as theyā€™re written in the tweet, theyā€™re just not true.

For instance, theyā€™ve taken performance issues and the occasional bug thatā€™s had no material impact on the gameplay or their enjoyment of the game to mean the game barely works (similarly was said for breath of the wild which scored 10/10 and is widely regarded as one of the greatest games ever). Itā€™s blatant exaggeration of what the article actually says. Even if you just pull from the summary.

For instance, theyā€™ve taken performance issues and the occasional bug thatā€™s had no material impact on the gameplay or their enjoyment of the game

You may be glossing over slightly though. The article says on the performance issues:

That immersion can occasionally be broken by Legacyā€™s dicey performance.

and on the bugs:

things like this do happen enough to be an irritation.

Which sounds a lot like a material impact.

Then again it seems normal to release games half-baked these days and fix them later. The lack of enemy variety and the main storyline (which the author basically slates as unoriginal and full of holes) feel like bigger issues that youā€™d think would pull the review down.

To me it sounds like itā€™s a great game for Harry Potter fans, even if not really a great game aside from that. And there are enough HP fans to sell it! So that should be fine.

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I think Iā€™m just taking

by its literal definition.

The fact it sounds like its not a 9/10 game but they gave it that anyway destroys any point listening to the review, it is the definition of a fluffer review.

(I have not read the IGN review, I never read that junk to be honest)


Two hours into the game, and Iā€™m still on the character creation screen. Got surprised by a required last name box and donā€™t want to use my real one, so Iā€™m stuck. Up until that point this was by far the fastest Iā€™d ever breezed through a character creation tool.

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If youā€™re still stuck 8hrs later, I vote for the name Lamora

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Past it now!

Got sorted into Ravenclaw and went to sleep before confirming (has the fast resume thing on Xbox so the game state just saves and quickly resumes when I go back on later). Might just go with what it gave me so itā€™s not another thing I have to decide on! :joy:

I did sign up to that Harry Potter fan club thing afterwards, just to double check, and that also put me into Ravenclaw, so it must be destiny.


A good several hours into the game.

Only glitches Iā€™ve noticed have been graphical related, usually with the lighting. Very rare though. Happened once at the start, twice in the castle. Just a flicker that quickly corrects itself. No other performance issues that Iā€™ve noticed in fidelity mode.

It has cats. I stroke every cat I see.

It has quite a few more than two enemies lol, and Iā€™m still pretty early into it. Iā€™m enjoying the story quite a bit more than I was expecting to going by ACGā€™s review (and IGNā€™s though I donā€™t give them much weight for the reasons @l33t highlighted above).

The world is breathtaking to me. The puzzles and mini games are a bit shallow, but the combat is very fun, and I do enjoy the little mini game of learning a new spell. The classes are by far the best part for me, and I wish it dove into being more of a school simulator.

It feels like a completely fresh story but in a familiar setting. The cut scenes are wonderfully animated and voice acted. It sparks the same magic as watching the original movies growing up for me, only now Iā€™m in that world and itā€™s a game, so I can interact with it.

So far Iā€™m loving it. It feels like a really well crafted labour of love to fans of the franchise. Kinda wish it had quidditch though.

Went with Ravenclaw in the end. Did the other quizzes on the wizarding world website and linked my account. My wand is holly wood with a Phoenix feather core. My patronus is apparently Pumba from the Lion King which Iā€™m not too thrilled about, but that doesnā€™t carry over to the game thank goodness. Was hoping for a wolf or a dog or something that isnā€™t Pumba.

This might end up displacing Breath of the wild as my favourite game of all time if it keeps its magic all the way til the end.

Only thing I would have probably wanted from the game, as it has the perfect setting for it, is a shared online co op experience. To explore with my friends. And to be able to earn house points to compete against other players, but apparently if you play on PlayStation theyā€™re doing something like that anyway.

I live for it already.

Iā€™m undecided though, is there any other game out in the wild that is similar in style and gameplay for me to consider?

Hmmm :thinking: not that Iā€™ve played personally as far as I can recall. Any open world exploration might scratch a similar itch. Depends what youā€™re looking for, but this feels like a pretty original game to me.

Breath of the wild is probably the closest thing Iā€™ve played to this in terms of open world design, and the feeling I got from seeing the world for the first time and heading out into it. ACG compared it to RDR, but Iā€™ve never played that so couldnā€™t say.

The new PokƩmon games have a similar school type concept, but this is in a whole other league.

Edit: if I cast my mind way back, I suppose I get some World of Warcraft vibes from this in terms of style.

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I also went ravenclaw but feel like I should have gone slytherin when Iā€™m walking about Hogwarts in my darks arts deluxe edition clothing. Ebony wand with Phoenix core.

Iā€™m enjoying and is easily my favourite game in a long time. Scope to expand is large. Online duels. Quidditch. They could really milk out dlc and I would happily be milked if the dlc bits are as good as the base game.

Finding that 4 spell on the hot bar is too little. Would have been nice to have a modifier button to bring up second row of spells.

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Early Access for PC got delayed for Hogwarts, so I didnt get on till 7:30, got stuck under the floor for a few minutes then managed to move forward.

My characters voice sounds robotic but hopefully its a bug and will be fixed soon other than that I love it.

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You altered the voice pitch during customisation didnā€™t you?

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Yeah then I changed it back but Its still a bit funky :eyes:

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Waiting until Friday as renting, but the reviews have got me excited to play! Cleared my whole weekend to play