From Simple to Monzo - Features That I'd Love to See!

I am a former Simple user, new to Monzo USA and and hoping to see a lot of the features I loved in Simple come to Monzo!

  1. Spending Pots - As a freelancer, I get paid irregularly and in varying amounts. This is where the Expenses feature of Simple was very useful. An equivalent in Monzo would be Pots for spending that are filled automatically when I get paid. Pots for spending would help me map out how much I have available to spend on different expenses each month. For example, I would create a Spending Pot for “Monthly Rent”, “Groceries”, “Dining Out”, “Bills” etc. With Spending Pots, I would quickly be able to see if I have enough for each expense, or if I am falling short. Or for discretionary spending, how much is available to spend.

  2. It would also be great to draw from the other Spending Pots if I overspend. For example, maybe I spent more than usual on my “Bills” pot - Monzo would draw from the other spending pots and I’d be able to see that I have less available to spend on “Groceries”, “Dining Out” etc.

  3. Plaid Integration is super important!

  4. Mobile Check Deposit - as a freelancer I am often paid with checks so this would be an important feature!

  5. Salary Sorter based on Percentage - again, as a freelancer this would be super useful since my income is variable.

I think a lot of these features/ideas have been mentioned, but I wanted to reiterate them because they are features that would really convince me to commit fully to Monzo!

Hi. Welcome.

It’s much better to keep the ideas and votes all together, there’s a lot of discussion on this already in the thread below