Freeagent feed issue

I use the monzo integration to send transactions from my business account to my freeagent account.
The last few days the transactions are coming through with just the transaction reference, not the description or name of the payee.
For example, in Monzo there is a transaction from Vodafone with reference ‘123456789’ (dummy ref), previous that would come to freeagent as ‘Vodafone/123456789/DIRECTDEBIT/£20.00’ but now it is coming through as ‘123456789/123456789/DIRECTDEBIT/£20.00’.

Has anyone else had this? Can I report a bug for it here?

I don’t know if it’s a monzo / freeagent issue but my past experience with freeagent and ultimately why I left the platform was the bank feeds generally had always been bad. This was about 3 years ago.

They’ve always been fine for me. I’ve checked with Freeagent and they’ve said the feed integration and data is developed by Monzo not them.

It’s best to wait till FreeAgent will implement Open Banking integration with Monzo on their side.

I’m withholding opening BCA with Monzo for this same reason as I don’t want to grant Monzo access to all of my other FreeAgent accounts. That’s how their current integration with FA works.

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