Feedback: Joint Account testing

The balance here isn’t correct. The joint account only has £10 in.


I like that the recent payees from my personal account still show up on my payments tab - it makes sense that I might regularly make payments to the same people from both accounts.


They should have “JOINT ACCOUNT” written in the top corner, I’d imagine this also should apply to Apple Wallet etc. Maybe because this is still in testing they haven’t applied that yet… Investor cards show “INVESTOR” in the wallet.


The special Joint Account cards are being made as we speak :slight_smile: They are currently available to customers yet


I presume you mean aren’t :slight_smile:

Will the live current account counter on be including joint current accounts? And if so I presume it will only be counting a joint account once rather than the number of cards attached?


We still need some folks for Android!

The initial joint account beta caused the app to crash on launch (both for me as existing beta user and my wife who was running the App Store version). Required the apps to be deleted and reinstalled.

I was accepted on the iOS beta, but I’ve not yet had my TestFlight email. Has everyone else received it?


No not yet.

I can’t wait to test this, sadly i’m not part of the selected few. Please test and test it quickly so we can get joint account on Monzo. Another Xmas before Xmas from Monzo.

I’m part of the select few, received my email on Monday but still haven’t been granted access yet. Not sure if I should be waiting or my email filtering has blocked it! :(:frowning_face:

As much as I want this, Barclays pays over £200/yr to have the a rewards account, to much to give up…

I’ve got a Barclays blue rewards account but it won’t stop me taking advantage of a Monzo joint account. It’ll become our joint spending account basically. I won’t be moving my DD overs all the time Barclays are paying me to handle that and I quite like having a completely separate account for bills.

I don’t care about the cashback offers they provide though, I get those benefits elsewhere as well and never use them. 1% cashback at Boots, 2% cashback at Holiday Inn, 2% cashback at Nero Cafe… Its not worth the effort to me


Just to make it clear for forum users:

Any bugs identified such as @Sam87’s post, should they be reported here or reported as normal in the bugs section of the forums?

I find this too.
Myself and my fiancée have finances to a tee with transfers to the joint account, not sure I really want to move things to another account too just for notifications. I have spreadsheets. :confused:

For now, they should be in here :slight_smile: When Joint Accounts are released more widely then they should go in the Bug Reports section :raised_hands:

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Do you know when the next batch of TF invites will be going out for the remaining 100?

We’ve got some more going out today for sure. And hopefully the rest by the end of the week.

I should have a clearer idea of timeframes in the next hour or so. I’ll share an update on MakingMonzo so folks aren’t left in the dark!


Thanks for clarifying.

I hope my TF comes today … I’m paid tomorrow so would be great to start the month with a shiny new joint account to test with the missus !!