Faster card delivery

Only real frustration I’ve had with monzo so far/time it’s felt like a legacy bank is when I’ve lost my card and had to order a new one. I think it’s first class but it still takes 2 or 3 days. In the meantime I have to use another account which messes up my spending report/monthly budget.

I’d like more options to get a card faster - next day standard with 2 hour courier option. Since the card is just a store of information I also want a way to get this updated instantly digitally. Android pay? Would be nice if the card could just be another format for the data not just the only place it’s stored. Although no need for the cards to have the same number I suppose - just linked to the same account.

Yes I know this costs more and there are technical hurdles printing cards etc, but so is everything else monzo is doing.

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