Euro transfers in your Monzo account

Receiving Euros in the Euro account is free and converting it to GBP is 0.4%, which is what one would use rather than receive the Euros directly into the GBP account.

I’m sorry for productively pointing out a negative aspect of the implementation of this otherwise useful feature.
I will try to just praise Monzo for everything they do in the future without question or negativity.


It’s only 0.4% if you have a euro account. Not everyone is going to have one. It’s 2% for euros to a standard account


You compared apples to oranges and quoted what I said without context.

But well done on your passive aggressiveness.

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Why wouldn’t you open a euro account if you’re going to receive euro into Starling?

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Why do people do things?

My point was a factual one, not a debate one


I don’t think I’d be using this as all my purchases just go on my credit card as it’s a cheap rate. Monzo will probably be adding fees galore so would be pointless converting etc.

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The fees have been announced and are clear and transparent. But you do what’s best for you.


This isn’t for purchases. It’s for deposits into your account.


Yes, great idea, but my app is showing a BIC number but no IBAN…

My € bank needs your IBAN, so until I can access it, or even just see it, I’ll stick with what I know thanks.

It’s being rolled out from 3 April

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Thanks o99!

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Arr. well depositing costs money too at a pay point. I suppose if it’s a transfer thing why bother…onto should just catch up with starling and have a euro account so people can keep their holiday money in a euro account.

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<boolean name="iban_enabled" value="false" />

Waiting for that to change on Monday…



I would like to test this feature but as of today - 3rd April - still no sign of my IBAN on my card details.
I know it is possible to use an IBAN calculator ( Wise have one on their site ) but I would prefer to see it confirmed on the Monzo App.
When will it be available?

IBAN is showing for me in the app :eyes:


Have you clicked on manage under your card when you’re on the feed? As opposed to clicking on card details.

It’s showing up for me.

Thanks. It had appeared by 6:00pm. I was obviously too early checking.

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My IBAN is visible after today’s app update.
As a test, sent €10 from Wise :arrow_heading_down:

Will check, if Wise showed right timing :grin:

USA too!

Surprised it is Europe only when you have Monzo usa.

Being waiting since beta lol


I mean, this is me, but the copy doesn’t sound like Monzo, is this Monzo?

Also, I guess this arrived before somebody switched on the charges?