Euro transfers in your Monzo account

This is Revolut, not Monzo…?

Payment arrived at 8.12 am :grin:


It is revolut. Not sure why I posted here :joy:


Just tested it myself. I like that there is a dedicated transfer reference field which retains the original reference when you edit the transaction note. @KushalBabla please could you request for this behaviour (this type of display) to be used on the transaction screen for regular domestic bank transfers as well? The notes/reference for domestic transfers currently interact in an unsuitable way.


As of today, 6th April, I still don’t have an IBAN showing in the Manage tab in my app…

Shame, I need to make a € transfer but if Monzo can’t get their IBAN into the app as advised, I might as well stick with what I know works!

Use an online Iban generator :+1:t2:

Are you using the current version of the app?


Yeah I guess I could use a generator but why would I bother when I can use the IBAN from my usual bank for transfers…

This is purely after getting an email from Monzo telling me from the 3rd April I can transfer € … something I do regularly using other banks.

No IBAN just makes the whole process more complicated than it needs to be. Plus, if Monzo say something will happen and it doesn’t, it’s not great for financial confidence to be honest.

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I meant to generate your IBAN, for Monzo which will work as if you got it from the app?

But it’s not unreasonable, if Monzo say you should be able to see your IBAN, to expect it to just work.

Is everyone else able to see the IBAN? I don’t understand what the issue is, it is showing fine for me.

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I can see it, have been since release date. But I’m on an up-to-date version of the app


Yup mine has appeared as well.

Yup I can see mine too… Under the manage tab in the last item in the Account Details section…

Although when you go to share the account details, the order of the items is different to what is shown… That annoys me :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Hi there Richard!

Is it showing yet? We’re, so sorry about this, we will look into it and get back on you as soon as possible.

Yes, thank you. It’s now showing in the app!

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