Disney Plus - General Discussion

No, given it a miss for now.

Subscription comes to an end next week and decided not to renew it just yet. Not enough to keep me around. I’ve a load of other stuff to watch, so maybe in a few months time.

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Makes sense to me :+1:

Although, existing customers get to renew at last year’s prices at the moment, £59.99, instead of the new price, saving £20.

I’ll see what the offer comes up as next week then when it expires :ok_hand:

Just look at your billing. Tells you there how much it would cost.

It doesn’t on mine, just tells me when it expires and that’s it. I’m assuming once that date arrives the screen will change. There’s no way for me to start the subscription again or any costings available.

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I’ve been having a few annoying issues with Disney plus of late.

If I pause an episode of something half way through and just leave my tv until it goes to standby, the next time I come back and continue watching, Disney thinks I watched the whole episode and starts the next one.

To make that worse, there’s no easy way to access other episodes of something on my continue watching. I have to actually go and search for the show, find the episode I was on and then scrub back through to where I think I was at.

Another issue is during the end credits. If I click to play the next episodes I can still hear the end credits music and titles playing over the start of the next episode.

Some of the captioning and descriptions for shows on Star are so lazy too, to a point they feel rushed. They’re full of typos or flat out wrong in a few cases. For Revenge for instance. Some episodes are about scores being “settls” or something being “incroyable” (if not for time I spent in Lille I would not have known this was meant to say unbelievable, which aptly describes how lazy they’ve been with this stuff), and it apparently takes place in Southampton, not in the South Hamptons. :roll_eyes:

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I see this on mine:

I also received an email, one month before renewal:

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I have this, never had an email about it either. Maybe it’s because I cancelled it whilst still active :thinking:


What are you watching on? Can’t say I’ve experienced any of that on Fire Stick or Google TV.

Apple TV and iPad. It screws the TV app’s up next feature too. Roku seems to work fine though.

No issues for me via Amazon Fire Stick either


I get that as well on my Apple TV and iPad. I completely froze the image today pressing skip intro, while the previous episode sound was still playing as well.


Sounds like this must be a bug with the app on Apple OS’s then. Hope it gets fixed soon, it’s very annoying!

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One general annoyance with the service is, if I’m watching multiple shows, and I don’t watch an episode for a while, it vanishes off the what I’m watching section. Wish it wouldn’t!

Although I’m sad enough to track what I watch via an app so that’s always up to date with where I’m at.


Which app?

I’m sad enough to use a Google Sheets spreadsheet :rofl:

Got sick of watching films and realising half way through I had seen them before :man_facepalming:


I use Trakt as the service, they don’t have an app but have 3rd party apps that link to the service.

As for apps

TV Shows - Hobi
Movies - MoviesFad

Edit - I started using Trakt when I was using Kodi, as it would automatically log everything I watched as I watched it.

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Ohhh gonna try these as my current app hasn’t been updated for 3/4 years and I know it’ll stop working one day.

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I’m quite happy with them, the TV could be better, it has its annoyances but it works.

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Looked at MoviesFad and it appears interesting.

However, when I looked at my spreadsheet and realised that I had watched 328 movies (that’s films, not series) during lockdowns (since March 2020), I decided I cba to transfer all that info across.

It looks good for the newbie though.

MoviesFad seems to have an associated SeriesFad app, however, it is slated in reviews following recent update.

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Anyone watched Next, a series on Disney+, yet?

Reminds me of Ultron from the Avengers movie. AI getting smarter and trying to take over.

Only two episodes available so far though.