Direct Debit manual switching

Update: my ‘old-skool’ credit card (MBNA) direct debit came through on the app today so all credit to them for keying in the form I posted on Sunday so quickly!
7 direct debits successfully transferred so far, no offenders to add to the wiki yet…

Ah, fair enough. I didn’t see the wiki as I was simply reading down the list of topics.

Not sure about the GoCardless note re Tonik; I use GoCardless for collecting from customers, so I’m setting up a mandate to test with internally.

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Cheers. The weirdest bit is that the DD appears as a recurring payment in the app so something is getting lost along the way.

I had an issue switching my American Express DD in the app but after ringing them they were able to change it there and then and it’s showing up in the app!

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How soon should I expect DD to appear under reoccurring payments?

Some direct debits appear within a few days, whereas others only appear when the first payment is taken. I don’t have an answer to why this is…

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Did you DD go through mine failed this month :scream: and got an email to say

Yup all came out fine.



Just got them to send a DD mandate through hopefully it work next month :pray:

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So I am in process of manually switching my direct debits to Monzo. The most frustrating thing I found is waiting time over the phone despite managing my accounts online several companies insist you give them a call to make this change.
TV Licence, Hyperoptic broadband, Paypal and Barclaycard were easiest (Done Online). :clap:

I made a call to RateSetter and they updated my DD in an instant. Had to wait a couple of minutes on the line prior to this but no bother – the waiting music was steady enough.

Changing mine was not fun. I almost wish I had waited until the full switching services was available. To summarise:

  • Mortgage company - used their secure message service, was fine.
  • Energy supplier - needed to use their secure (live) chat. Fine, but slow and tedious.
  • Regular ISA investments - posted a form. Easy.
  • Council tax - did it online, but the website only has instructions for setting up a direct debit, so half of me is expecting the existing one won’t be cancelled and I’ll end up paying twice…
  • Wine subscription - despite being the oldest company ever, they are the only ones where I could do it online with confidence and without interacting with anyone. Unfortunately, however, I have two linked accounts and have only been able to change one of them, and they haven’t replied to my email, so I might actually have to pick up a phone…

My salary should be coming into Monzo CA next week, which means that’s everything ported over. Fingers crossed everything goes in and out smoothly over the next month!



3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Friendly names for Direct Debits

My experience has been surprisingly easy for the Direct Debits…I had to phone pretty much all of them and so did my other half who has also got the preview, I’ve had one company who wanted me to e-mail them the details as he didn’t want to type the details wrong over the phone (AIAS Gap Insurance) as his system didn’t get Monzo’s details from the sort code but they were happy to do it.

Getting a failure updating Direct Debit for TV Licence now, so have emailed them.

@brandscill Mine seems to have been set up ok

I was able to change my DD details on TV licensing website. Just checked again it’s all set up with new Monzo CA.

I get an error message each time I do it on TV Licencing. Perhaps unrelated to Monzo? They were down all weekend for Maintenance, stands to reason something broke!

After reading this I just set up my online TV license DD with Monzo CA and had no issues.

It’s going well for them today…

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