Custom Card Colours or Change From Orange

The one and only thing I hate about Monzo is the bright ORANGE card colour.

It screams prepaid card, prepaid cards have a really bad rep and are seen as bank accounts for people with poor credit, which isn’t why I signed up to Monzo, I initially signed up due to no fees when abroad.

I now want to use Monzo as my MAIN bank account but I’m reluctant to do so as the card is hideous, it seems petty and silly but the color just draws attention to it.

Black would have been a better choice or dark blue, something more neutral.

I understand offering custom card colours or design may be too difficult so either change the card colour altogether or at least have 1 alternative and let people choose between black or orange.

I no you probably chose orange due to branding but it was such a bad choice if you ask me, I don’t want people asking questions about my card and assuming I have bad credit as it’s a prepaid card.

This is covered extensively here:


16 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Colour of the Debit Card

I just like things to be tidy, and all in one place, which I seemingly failed to help happen here…

I wish @alexs was still here to merge the two :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m the least mature person on here if you care to look at all my posts…

I will and I doubt that happened tbh, must have been the way you explained Monzo if they did.

Wibble :man_dancing:


@anon72173902 I enjoy the many useful and humourous contributions you make to the discussions in these forums. However, I don’t believe that ad hominem comments like this have a place here.

We have Twitter for that.

I’m glad you enjoy :heart:

I’d love to go on Twitter but I’m permabanned and every account I make gets blocked in minutes :joy::cry: