Currency convertor tool in the app

I wonder how useful this would be.

I’m just back from a trip abroad and there were no occasions when I looked at the Monzo app before making a purchase. If I want to check the price I use Google, Google Assistant, or Siri.

Well, there was no point, as Monzo app doesn’t have such converter! :smiley: Neither of tools you used show Mastercard rate as far as I’m aware, and in general, all show really similar estimations anyway. So whilst, it’s roughly ‘okaaay’ estimation, I’d like to keep it in Monzo app. Mastercard’s tool is very clunky on mobile…
Discover our Mastercard Currency Converter Calculator :frowning:

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That’s all true. However, for me, an approximation is all I require. For instance €30 is £26.77 (from Google at the time of writing). And MasterCard rate is £26.90. Which is close enough for me for general purchases. The calculation I do in my head at the time would give a result of £27.

You are right about the MasterCard converter, too. It’s rubbish.

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Using monzo abroad is awesome and I love the fact I get notified of the exchange rate as soon as I land. What would be even more awesome though is a FX calculator in app. So just say I was in canada, looking at a really cool jacket - I could enter in the cost into my monzo app (in CAD$) and then in real time it tells me how much that would cost in £ and what would come off my card. Helps with purchases. The XE app has great functionality on this feature.


This has been already suggested here;

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Yep the XE app (and indeed their website too) is excellent

Yes, where is the converter tool! I’m still using my Revolut App to convert!