Crowdfunding - Deep dive into the Android code 🤑

So I’m always poking and prodding at the Monzo beta apps :innocent: and I discovered a few weeks ago that there was a £20,000,000 crowdfunding round coming “soon”:tm::astonished: And we know that this is true because it was announced by Monzo in one of their excellent blog posts :hot_coral_heart:

But we’re getting closer and closer to this becoming a reality, something we can all get involved in (should we desire) :money_mouth_face:
Tristan has been teasing the world over on Twitter and I think it’s pretty clear what the :chart_with_upwards_trend: means… Crowdfunding!

And as I’m finally posting this, here’s a link to the official announcement for the crowdfunding round :grin:

And the accompanying blog post :tada:

Well with the latest Monzo app update on Android I’ve found the motherload of code :tada: And it all points at once thing, crowdfunding :wink: Let’s take a look, shall we?

I suppose we should start with the basics and work our way up to the meat of this post :sweat_smile:

<string name="deep_link_crowdfunding">crowdfunding_investment_2018</string>
  • This means that (at some unknown stage) you’ll be able to click: monzo://crowdfunding_investment_2018 and it’ll take you to an investment page inside the Monzo app :eyes: (It’s active now)

<string name="details_crowdfunding_info">Crowdcube will issue your statement of beneficial ownership and contact you by email 7–14 days after the Crowdfunding ends. 
’Statement of Beneficial Ownership’, which is the technical name for the document that proves you’ve got the shares you bought.</string>
<string name="details_crowdfunding_section_title">Your investment</string>
<string name="details_crowdfunding_shares_label">Monzo shares</string>

<string name="invest_in_monzo">Invest in Monzo</string>
  • This section goes on to explain that Crowdcube will be responsible for some things and outlines the timeframe of said things :slight_smile: The 2nd & 3rd strings look like they’ll show you how much you’ve invested in Monzo and what that equates to in terms of share quantity :slight_smile:. Presumably this will only be populate if you’re already an investor (and after you invest in this round, should you choose to.)
  • Along with a handy button to begin your (re)investment :tada:

<string name="crowdfunding_amount_picker_current_balance">Your Current Account balance is %s</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_amount_picker_current_balance_with_overdraft">"Your Current Account balance is %1$s (%2$s overdraft available)"</string>
  • You will be able to dip into your overdraft in order to invest in Monzo

<string name="crowdfunding_amount_picker_next_button">Next Step</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_amount_picker_subtitle">How many shares would you like to buy?</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_amount_picker_title">@string/invest_in_monzo</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_amount_picker_total_amount">You’ll pay %s</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_assessment_description">Please read over this document, and try again when you feel ready.</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_assessment_pdf_content_description">Investor Assessment.pdf</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_assessment_subtitle">Oops! You got something wrong</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_assessment_title">@string/invest_in_monzo</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_assessment_try_again">Try Again</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_banner_subtext">Own a piece of your bank</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_banner_text">Invest in Monzo</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_confirm_confirm_button">Confirm Investment</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_confirm_description">"This will confirm your investment, and we’ll take %s from your account straight away.

You won’t be able to cancel this investment and get your money back. Also, you can only invest in Monzo once in this round.
  • Nothing too interesting in this section, qty of shares you’d like to buy, a link to the Ts&Cs and some other little bits and bobs.
  • The last line is good to know, you can only invest once this round - Guess this is an advisory so you don’t put £50 in today and try to put £200 in tomorrow (because you won’t be able to) :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you sure you want to do this?"</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_confirm_subtitle">Confirm your investment</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_confirm_title">@string/invest_in_monzo</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_confirmation_description">"Any moment now, you’ll see a transaction on your Monzo account confirming your investment.

Your shares will arrive by email 7-14 days after the crowdfunding round ends."</string>
  • A final confirmation and then a time period for your shares arriving with you (delivered by Crowdcube) :slight_smile:

<string name="crowdfunding_confirmation_full_progress">See Our Full Progress</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_confirmation_subtitle">Investment complete!</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_confirmation_title">@string/invest_in_monzo</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_confirmation_total_raised">We’ve raised %s in total so far!</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_crowdcube_logo_content_description">Crowdcube logo</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_finished_blog_button">Read More On Our Blog</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_finished_description">A big thank you to everyone who took part and invested in Monzo ❤️</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_finished_subtitle">Our crowdfunding round is over, and you can’t invest anymore</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_finished_title">@string/invest_in_monzo</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_already_invested_status_text">You can only invest once in this round.</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_bullet_1_text">At our last funding round, shares were worth %1$s. They’re now worth %2$s.</string>
  • This will be on a screen, there will be a progress bar of sorts (presumably £1-20,000,000)
  • Once the crowdfunding is complete there’ll be a nice message from Monzo :hot_coral_heart:
  • Plus there’s a bit of info on the previous share value :slight_smile:

<string name="crowdfunding_intro_bullet_1_title">A piece of Monzo</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_bullet_2_text">A specially designed investor card, and a badge on the community forum.</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_bullet_2_title">Cool stuff</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_bullet_3_text">A yearly investor AGM, and other investor-only meet-ups – like a Q&amp;A with our CEO Tom Blomfield.</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_bullet_3_title">Investor meet-ups</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_bullets_title">What you’ll get</string>
  • This bit is awesome!! The benefits, who doesn’t love a nice perk? :wink:
  • I knew about the investor card but the rest of the benefits are incredibly nice :hot_coral_heart:

<string name="crowdfunding_intro_details_text">Our investment prospectus covers what we’re offering in more detail, including a look at our finances and business plan.</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_details_title">The details</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_exit_confirmation_exit">Exit</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_exit_confirmation_message">If you leave now, there’s a chance you won’t be able to invest later. Refresh to see how much of the crowdfund is still available.</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_exit_confirmation_refresh">Refresh</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_exit_confirmation_title">Are you sure?</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_get_involved_text">"%1$s, you’ll have the chance to invest up to %3$s to own a part of Monzo. 

To invest, tap the 'Invest in Monzo' button below %2$sand choose the amount of shares you’d like to buy, up to %3$s worth.

We’ll take the money from your account straight away, and Crowdcube will email your confirmation in the next few weeks."</string>
  • More details and some clever obfuscation so we have no idea what the value are :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I have no way of finding out what they are, sadly :stuck_out_tongue:
    • If anybody knows what %3$s translates to in real money - hmu :joy: (this will be represented by a real value inside the Monzo app once Monzo are ready to reveal the crowdfunding round :blush:)

<string name="crowdfunding_intro_get_involved_title">How to get involved</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_invest_button">@string/invest_in_monzo</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_paused_status_text">"We’ve temporarily paused investment. Please check back later."</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_pending_status_text">Investment will begin on %s, please check back to invest.</string>
  • There’s the chance for Monzo to pause & restart investment if the need arises (I would guess they could pause it nearer to the final amount? Or perhaps if the load if just nuts :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_preface_text">"In 2016, Monzo customers raised £1,000,000 in 96 seconds. This time, we’re going much bigger. You’ve already invested your time and trust in us, and you should all have the chance to share in our future success."</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_preface_title">We’re crowdfunding up to %s, and we’d love you to be part of it</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_prospectus_content_description">Our investment prospectus PDF.</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_refresh_button">Refresh</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_service_provider_details">You’ll complete your investment through Monzo, but Crowdcube will handle the admin afterwards.</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_title">@string/invest_in_monzo</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_video_description">Tom Blomfield, Monzo CEO and co-founder</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_intro_video_initialize_error">Error initializing YouTube player: %s</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_investor_category_agree">I agree to the above investor statement</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_investor_category_continue">Continue</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_investor_category_not_sure">Not sure which one to choose?</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_investor_category_subtitle">What type of investor are you?</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_investor_category_title">@string/invest_in_monzo</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_investor_category_type_advised_name">Advised investor</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_investor_category_type_advised_summary">You have an FCA-regulated advisor, like an Independent Financial Advisor (IFA).</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_investor_category_type_everyday_name">Everyday investor</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_investor_category_type_everyday_summary">I haven’t and won’t invest more than 10% of my assets in illiquid investments like Monzo shares.</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_investor_category_type_highworth_name">High net-worth investor</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_investor_category_type_highworth_summary">You’ve invested in more than one unlisted company in the last two years or been a member of a business angel syndicate or network for at least six months.</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_investor_category_type_sophisticated_name">Self-certified sophisticated</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_investor_category_type_sophisticated_summary">You’ve invested in more than one unlisted company in the last two years.</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_investor_statement_advised">I am a client of a firm that has assessed me as suitable to receive financial promotions. I accept that the investments to which the promotions relate may expose me to a significant risk of losing all of the money or other property invested. I am aware that it is open to me to seek advice from an authorised person who specialises in advising on unlisted shares and unlisted debt securities.</string>
<string name="crowdfunding_investor_statement_everyday" formatted="false">"I make this statement so that I can receive promotional communications relating to unlisted shares and unlisted debt securities as a restricted investor. I declare that I qualify as a restricted investor because: 
  • Loads more stuff on the in’s and out’s of crowdfunding… I won’t go into it all (it’s readable :slight_smile:)
  • Plenty about Monzo’s original (record shattering) £1m crowdfunding round but still no hints as to the size of this round :eyes: (though as previously discovered, it’s highly likely that we’ll be looking at an £20,000,000 round)

So there we go! :tada: I hope this was an interesting read with a useful insight into the upcoming investment round :blush:


Absolutely brilliant work, Marcus! Serious detective skills :mag_right:


Are you the first Hot Coral Detective @nexusmaniac? Amazing find, wow, love reading this!!!

So buying shares within your bank mobile app, is that another first? or have banks done this before? :smiley:


:exploding_head:Stop … with … the … teasing … and … just … open … the … funding … round … !


“Investment will begin on December 5th at 10:00, please check back then to invest.”

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Here’s a little peak of what happens when you click this link (if you’re on a Beta or TF build of the Monzo app) :blush:


Same details as the site but all nicely inside the Monzo app - with a lovely button that’ll activate once the 5th (or 3rd) of December rolls around :wink:)



I love that title :joy::joy: if that had a badge on the forum associated with it I’d certainly put it on display :eyes::yum:

I guess everybody would want a custom badge after that though :see_no_evil:


Does anyone have a picture of what the investors card looks like?


Haha amazing work

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