COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Evidently a lot of people think the country is over the worst. Doesn’t bode too well:

Being somebody that lives 2 minutes from the beach in Bournemouth, It is an absolute joke!

I don’t get what goes through people’s heads. Our council issued 558 parking fines yesterday alone!


People were parked everywhere and I mean everywhere. It took me an extra 35 minutes to get from work to home. My 2 year old daughter was kept up until about 2am because of the noise around our flat.

It’s just a joke




If I was anywhere near a beach I’d be straight down to it an all, as it is I’ve been sat watching the farmers bale the hay and then a machine wrap it in plastic, sat on top a hill watching over the country side in the sun

When the council dip into their overdraft so they send the traffic wardens they are paying with credit card cheques to try and find some money.

Obs a joke

I’ve heard near me that the pubs are going to bring in ordering apps for all drinks and food, so everyone will order at the table and be brought the order, and those apps will require and collect the data instead. Now, whether they check it’s accurate is a different matter…

No one is following the rules… I’ve had it direct from a police officer that the Covid rules are now “advisory”, ie the police are not even attempting to enforce.

The latest extremely caveated figures I heard were that there’s approx 40% risk of infection from surfaces in an enclosed space compared to approx 1-2% risk outdoors. That’s partly why everyone wearing masks indoors is so effective, because it cuts that 40% risk to around 10%, whereas wearing them outdoors has very little affect on the outdoor rate.

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Twas ever thus. Even in the first week of lockdown, plenty of column inches in the news were dedicated to how different police forces were enforcing lockdown, and asking the question of whether the most extreme of interpretations were even legal (conclusion was, they were not).

Turns out that it was, and remains the case, that lockdown enforement is by public consent (they agree to follow the guidelines) not police enforcement (people are made to follow the guidelines).

Speaking from personal observation, the public at large have always jumped the gun - many were restricting their activity before lockdown was annouced (which was the one good side of it). And for some weeks now, many have immediately reacted to lifting announcements almost as soon as they’ve happened, even if the announcements have taken the form of “From [date in the future], this will be allowed”. Public have decided ‘well, if it’ll be fine then, I’m going to be fine doing it now already, right?’

It’s madness, absolute madness.

I’m fully expecting us to have the worst second wave of Europe as a result of chronic mismanagement. It’s devastating to think we had the opportunity to lock down earlier and secure a better result but didn’t (we’re an island! Other countries that have achieved good results (notably NZ)? Also islands. We fucked it, no two ways about it. We looked at everything coming out of Italy and Spain and said “This is fine. We’ll be fine. I don’t know what they’re moaning about. They’re European. They’re all huggy huggy, kiss kiss. That’s why they’re catching everything. We’re British, we’re aloof and distant, we’ll be fine. We’re exceptional.”

Were we fuck.

Meanwhile the Tories are pissing themselves in glee because now they can use Covid as a cover to sell off the country by stealth and ramroad through the shittest of Brexits. Oh joy.


I know it’s late and the peppery language is expressing real frustration…

We’re walking blindly into a second surge - bottom line

The evidence from other European countries is that opening up bars, restaurants etc hasn’t led to a second wave.

Italy, France, Germany and Spain (to take four examples) were all at a far lower rate of infection before they opened bars etc. You can’t compare the UK with the rest of Europe when we’ve got actual muppets in charge!


Not only that, but our general population isn’t the smartest.

You could see groups together before rules were relaxed, it’s now like they never existed. 2m, 1m, keep apart, blah blah blah, it’s all gone.

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I’m waiting to see people wearing face masks with holes cut in so they can drink their beverages :rofl:


Reminds me of this :rofl:

I’ve started going into London a day or two a week over this week & last as part of an office job (doing essential work). I’ve had been WFH full time up until this point but unexpectedly have really enjoyed going in, meeting colleagues (for the first time as it’s a secondment) and having a routine- although I think I feel a bit guilty for enjoying that in a pandemic (prob irrationally!)

Is anyone else in a similar situation/ going into London- how are you finding it? :grinning:

For me social distancing seems to have gone out the window in most places.

There’s a restaurant near me that gives you food in a takeout bag but doesn’t say anything if you sit down and most of the tables were full when I was there.

Even the new rules coming in on the 4th are very lax if you go by the letter of the law, for example it’s advised to have 30 people max by a wedding but you can have unlimited technically, the no food, music/singing etc rules are just advisories and not actually law.

Sat here patiently waiting for lockdown part 2, bless Boris thinking he’s beaten it

We’re now on a par with the US as far as reality distortion goes, imo.

-Government sends care home residents home from hospital without tests
-Government blames care home owners for outbreaks

What a ****ing weasel of a PM we have.


That’s always been his way of operating, such as been vague over lock down loosening, he can then blame the people instead, anything for him to try come out on top. It’s actually fun to watch it backfire on him on a pretty much daily basis

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I don’t watch the news as it’s bad for my mental health but would be grateful if someone could tell me are we likely to get a second wave or not ? Also is there a date for gyms opening ? Thanks

Day 1: “Lockdown is lifting! You can all go to the beach!”
Day 2: “We are very disappointed that everyone went to the beach. This was bad and wrong of everyone.”

My view is, yes. It’s very much a question of when, not if. The best we can hope for is that the second wave is actually a localised wave (or series of localised waves), so only certain areas may have to be locked down and not the whole country.

[quote=“Venomx, post:1919, topic:92910”]
Also is there a date for gyms opening ?[/quote]

Not yet, no. The government categorise gyms as a high-risk enivronment - “because of the level of activity that goes on, the number of surfaces that are touched, there’s a far greater risk of infection than one where people are stationary and breathing less hard and touching fewer surfaces”. While it may be small comfort, the situation is just as frustrating to gym owners as it is to you.

I suspect when gyms are allowed to re-open you won’t miss the news being blasted all over.