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Bruh. It’s a yes or no question. Surely you would know if you attended something! You don’t need to wait for the result of an investigation for that.


What I find amazing with all this is that someone wants Boris out and they’ll keep dropping things to journalists until he goes.


There is no such thing as a logical ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer to a direct question in current politics when you are (a) at the ‘top’ and not wishing to be undermined, or (b) wishing to undermine the people at the ‘top’

Crazy, crazy, crazy. Influence = power. Repetitive comments (brainwashing via socials) = power.
Ask Elon. Spin it right round baby, right round, like a record baby, right right round round.

Who is even in charge anymore? Anywhere?
I’m flummoxed with modern politics.


I mean he sent it to 100 people, I’m surprised it was kept quiet for so long.

The police are finally investigating this one, that could be revealing.


They say they will investigate but it won’t go anywhere :joy:

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:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Political point scoring, or justified safety measures???

Probably, BJ has done Cressida a few solids by keeping her in the job and I’m sure she’ll try and pay in kind.

But just having an active police investigation is going to turn the heat up quite a lot. It’s getting more and more difficult for them to hand wave this all away. I think they thought they’d managed it over Christmas, I’m glad it’s resurfaced.

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Bojo has face and he will ride it through with his cronies laughing at the rest of us.

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Would you be thinking of a certain Mr Cummings by any chance?
I’m sure I read somewhere not too long back that more stories would surface.


I recall similar, some form of blackmail comment, though can’t remember specifically :sweat_smile:

I don’t think it’s him. If he wanted him out, he’s probably got enough dirt to do it.

I think it’s someone who wants his job or someone who hasn’t got a different job they think they deserve and someone who went to the party does.

Interesting view, any ideas who you think it could be?

Neither. Just the impact of laws and borders.


Seems to me, if that law affects them they should be able to claim the grant money from the Welsh government too.

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They can’t as an English registered club.

This is a tad silly really. Common sense should just prevail. The border runs through the pitch and they have always had the understanding that they are for intents and purposes in England.

I can’t believe this is even an issue; it’s just a matter of common sense.


Anyone watching PMQ?

Boris getting grief from back benchers and then inbetween, someone asks something completely different. Someone wants to know his opinion on a train museum, roman discoveries, washing machines and something about the job centre.

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That’s normal for PMQs though? I thought it was pretty unusual that backbenchers carried on with Kier Starmers line of questioning, that really shows the strength of feeling.

I watched, I think he’s clearly on his last legs on this. Sue Green is apparently not the whitewash kind of person, and the excuses have already run out.


That’s normal. Yes there are big political issues at hand but they will be dealt with quite well during normal Parliamentary time and in the media. PMQ’s is really a good time for other, local issues to be brought up, and I think that’s good.

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Are the slots pre-arranged beforehand?

As everyone seemed to be standing up and trying to force eye contact to get a turn.

I think there is some kind of running order but it’s managed by the Speaker when it comes to responses to any questions.

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