COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Oh the irony in his comments, if you’re doing what you can go protect the NHS, then you’d be bringing in small changes already. It’s going to be one of those situations which involve a horse, a stable and a open door.

I’m a bit surprised at how many people have been fined. I thought that those who didn’t wear a mask were just assumed exempt and were never challenged.

It’s good to read that some enforcement has gone on. Probably nowhere near enough though.


This must be such a hard task to undertake but impressed nonetheless.

Can’t say I’ve noticed much/any enforcement up here in Glasgow but the vaccine passport stuff became official as of Monday so this weekend should be interesting.

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This really surprises me, I only use the DLR and that’s rarely, but when I do I feel like about half of the people or so are wearing masks. Then again no one even buys a ticket for the DLR, I guess the tube in central is different

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If I’m reading it right, the fines covered the period June 2020-July 2021. 1,733 people were prosecuted. That works out at roughly 144 people each month. Given the number of people travelling on the tube, if anything it feels low.


I just don’t understand why you wouldn’t wear a mask. It’s simple, really not obstructive and barely an inconvenience for the 20 mins you’re in the tube.

But erm… FrEeDoM and stuff right?


Sadly it’s never on a tube I’m on… every time I have to commute I see that 50-75% of people aren’t wearing masks

I’d say some have already and that’s without the ‘winter’ pressures timeframe coming soon. Thankfully hospital admissions aren’t rising fast - yet.

Deaths from other causes seem to be up year on year but it that because covid caused a lot of early 2020 deaths?

I think the government are just adopting the attitude - let the public walk themselves into another lockdown. We told you it was increasing and you continued as normal now this is what you have got.

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Latest SAGE minutes are also saying act now before it’s too late, otherwise harsher methods will have to be used.

Can see anything harsh literally killing off the hospitality sector in a heartbeat, especially given we’re now in the key trading period for them. You’d think ministers would want to be on top of the rising infections rather than just saying nah it’s all in our model, it’s all good.

Anyways what do those scientists know 🤷😳

I feel like the winter is just going to be a case of survival of the fittest. You’ve got your vaccines, have fun and good luck to you all.

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I see the numpties in the House of Commons are all wearing masks (majority are), looks like someone’s had a word about public perception.


Get my 3rd jab tomorrow :ok_hand:

Had a call from GP surgery asking if I can attend a walk in clinic tomorrow.


I was reading this earlier on my lunch. Hopefully it doesn’t kickstart a whole new “trend” of anti-pill people, although it probably will!

Easier to put the microchip in a pill


I didn’t realise this was in the works, but that could make a huge difference this winter

For a brief second, I thought you were replying to @Rat_au_van :joy:


All jabbed with the Pfizer one this time, just spending my 15 minutes sit and wait time chilling out with all the pensioners. I’ve dragged the average age down.


Had my 3rd jab at a pharmacy. First 2 we’re at hospital close to work.
Literally 20 minutes including the post vaccine time to stay onsite.


I’m a long way from jab 3. But I’ve had the flu jab and I’m still LF testing every other day. Avoiding public transport and the usual stuff.

I do think people have gotten more cautious in the last month and it’s starting to show in the numbers. I think the the possibility of another lockdown has woken everyone up a bit to it not being ‘over’. Hope it continues through the winter.

I walked past at least three families (out of the five I encountered on today’s hike), all coughing uncontrollably. I think people have just stopped caring about testing and that’s what’s affecting the numbers