COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Please dont turn this into a North/South Divide - that’s exactly what they want to happen. I’m sure that plenty of poor & good behaviour happens up here, as it does in the South.

It’s not about a North/South Thing, it’s about the COUNTRY as a whole doing what it can in my books :slight_smile:


Especially when no one seemed to account for how they would all naturally gather in non-socially distanced groups, without masks, many coughing, crowding entrances to the likes of Tesco and Co Op, that I have to try my best to navigate through whilst keeping a safe distance. It’s impossible. :man_facepalming:

Sorry, not my intention. Was going purely from the statistic shown earlier today on Sky News. I’m from the north west, and still have family there.

Far too many people, behave so disgracefully selfish, even at times within my own family. It oftentimes feels like I’m the only person taking the situation seriously.

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Even then it’s worth remembering that while certain aspects of the media may seek to demonise them, it can’t all be blamed on the young. Studies have shown that deprivation is a big problem when it comes to trying to distance properly, and multigenerational living also has a big effect. Combine the two, and that’s potentially a large reason for certain hotspots.

It’s probably not something many of us think about, but it does turn out that it’s much easier to self-isolate when you have a degree of affluence.


Would you mind sharing a few of those stories? I’d love to have a read.

Only have time to link to one story as I’m about to start working, but should be enough to get you started:

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Illuminating read, much appreciated! Thank you for sharing it!

Oh I guessed it wasn’t - but this is the problem (for me currently), they group all of the Manchester Boroughs together and then say it’s on the rise. While at the same time leaving all the London boroughs seperatly reportable.

It’s the media/governments fault really, by doing this it looks like its all happening in “the north” and people start throwing shade around which is never going to help us all get to the other side, whatever that is


I mean it is what it is, I’m getting on with life as per usual, working, gym, food shopping and sleep :rofl:

Not going to dwell on it as there’s no point it’ll be over when it’s over and until then life continues.

Nice one Scotland!


It’s essentially forked from the Ireland one…

England has less and less excuse. What did we pay 11m for again? :stuck_out_tongue:

I installed it today!

I did too! Very privacy friendly!

Having a hard time convincing some of my older peers to install the app on their devices though. They think it’s stupid and are fed up with having to do stuff. Notably, these are the same folks who refused to take any precautions, like masks, or distancing, until they were forced to, and only comply begrudgingly. Except for this one man I know that has recently developed symptoms of asthma so stopped wearing their mask, while telling everyone they cause pleurisy and that 5G caused it all so the government could control us. :thinking::pensive::exploding_head::yawning_face:

I really hope this isn’t the norm, and that I’m just unfortunate enough to be acquainted with some deplorable people.

Forgive me if I appear naive or thick here but Is the point of this app not to log your location so you know if you’ve been near to/in contact with someone thats tested positive?

Jason Leitch says it doesnt track you? Im confused…

It uses bluetooth to say hello to mobiles near you for a set period of time and exchange random id’s. It does not need your location to do this. If you get tested and and have covid you put the test code into the app and every phone that has been near you for long enough in the last 14 days will get a notification to tell them. The random id’s are all saved on your phone and not uploaded to a gov service I believe.

The random id assigned to your phone changes all the time (cant recall how often but I think its hourly or so) to prevent anyone else trying to log and track the fact x device has seen the same phone/person every day for example.
The ORG (Open Rights Group) have been talking about it and initially they seem very happy based on the first look. The source has also gone up at

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QR check-ins is a good feature. No more verbally delivering your phone number to everyone listening :eyes:

I wonder whether you’ll be denied entry to places if you don’t have the app.

I’d take a stab at; if you don’t have the app, you’re obliged to hand over your details manually.
To places that actually do this of course. Lots don’t.


Probably not as you’re not denied entry now if you don’t have a mask. I stopped going to shops after I saw a group of young people fooling around in the aisles without masks, touching products and throwing them around and the security guard’s response was :woman_shrugging:

Click and collect, even with substitutions, gives me more peace of mind

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I believe they’re specific QR codes that a restaurant will have to display. Which they’ll have to get from the government etc.

Having followed some people testing the app, the QR codes have not been supported anywhere near them.

So who knows how well they’ll be supported :man_shrugging:t3: