Core App: Better payments

Which OS are you on?

I’m not seeing this, but it might be a phased roll out (or even a test) anyway…


I’m not seeing this either, but sounds great. Just annoying that good stuff like this gets hampered by OS disparity or A/B testing. I wish they would move away from both, so everyone gets the same best version of the Monzo experience.


It could be a phased release, i.e. 20% at first to make sure no unexpected bugs then ramp it up to 100.

Rather than a and b testing


Ooooo I have this new payment screen between accounts too. Very slick :sunglasses:

I’m on Android with the beta version of the app if that helps anyone.

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Me too, but no luck.

Same here but the £ is oddly small

Is the from account clickable?

If so good to see thats at least futureproof for when we could potentially pay from a pot? :eyes:

This was Android on my Chromebook with the Beta app

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Same here, but no new payment screen either.

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That ruins my theory then! :smiley:

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It has got to be a phased roll out then. Once complete they’ll then announce what they’ve done? :man_shrugging:

I just want to note that the above “Move money” screen was not done by the Core app team, rather one of the Business banking teams. However it’s a good visual sneak peek on what other payment flows will likely look like in the future.


I’ve got the new screen/pop up too - nice improvement.

It only appears if you go: Payments tab ==> Pay ==> select payee with multiple bank account. It doesn’t appear if you do not go through Pay, which works well.

Hopefully there’s a new confirmation screen after selecting one of the bank accounts that doesn’t have the option to send an international transfer since this option is irrelevant.


Ah. Yeah I’m seeing it that way too.

So hopefully we get parity of this straight on the payments page, as clicking pay up top first doesn’t really end up saving any clicks over the current option :crossed_fingers:

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Annoyingly that still gives me the old screen.

For the folk who have it, is it because you also have either a business or joint account?

I have a joint.

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Someone phone the police! :oncoming_police_car:

Back on topic I have a joint account and a business account :stuck_out_tongue:


Looking like we might have a clue :spy:

Anyone seeing this screen with only a personal account?

My biggest bug bear with payments at the moment is related to Connected Accounts.

I have a joint account, which I use for bills alongside my personal account which is my primary.

I do most of our joint spending spending on my Amex, and when I check the transaction amounts, then go to payments to make a payment request, the request defaults to coming from the joint account rather than my personal.

Ideally I would be able to sort accounts, as per pot sorting, and place my Amex next to my personal account, but I’d like to have payment requests default to my personal account - or failing that a prompt to choose.

I appreciate this is probably quite a niche issue.

I see it and I have a joint account

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