Collected thoughts on card design

I would like them so much more without the logo in the middle, and I don’t really like the image on the savings card. It just seems terribly proportioned with the framing not looking right.


Not even close! Ed Sheeran wannabes.

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Shame their app font was strange, nice cards otherwise.

Does anyone know where the photos actually are based?

Thanks for ruining them for me now :unamused:

@ndrw doesn’t have the particular card, but one is near where I live.

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The regular account is the Forth Bridge, and the Cash card is the Clyde Arc. No clue on the premium account though.

Oh? Another card? Or was that an old design?

I think there are two you’re missing!

@Lightning720 will know better. But I’m sure I remember there being 5 when they shared the designs. Maybe the other two are credit cards?

Will I?! :joy:

I vaguely remember one being the Harry Potter bridge but that’s all I remember.


I thought it was you who shared them all :see_no_evil:

I have no memory of that, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen haha

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I suppose there ought to be an under-18 card and a business card too. But these three will be the ones obtainable to most people. Though I’d love to see/have all of them, they’re just too nice.

That’s one of the old designs from the landscape embossed days.

Turns out I did post a card which is definitely a bridge.


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No no! I distinctly remember it being vertical.

I’m gonna need to find the posts now.

Edit/ @Lightning720 beat me to the bridge :joy:

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Ah, they’re clearly recycling the Harry Potter bridge!

Is the “Spending Account” their U18 account?

Edit: it is. Can someone lend me a child so I can have one of these? :laughing:


Lee M Cardholder in the Uk, Lee McArdholder in Scotland. Classic


My submission for card of the week:

Not OC x


What a sad little life Liam.

Jokes, obviously


You have all the grace of a reversing dumbstruck without any tyres on x


I don’t get it.


I don’t know if I’ll regret asking, but who is that on the card?