Collected Thoughts on Card Design (Part 2)

Pretty cool but don’t think I’ll bother. I’ve had the same job for the last 17 years and probably will until I retire, so don’t often need it. :joy:

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I literally never use it but for some reason I have my passport number, NI number and bank account number all memorised.

Couldn’t tell you what I had for dinner last week though.

Yes. Jessops in Nottingham. Closed Sunday and also Monday. The number of times I walked from the office to buy something only to be met by shutters :disappointed:

But yes I think there were the same. “Account or cash Sir?” and the only “account” they accepted was their own card.

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It was the same with M&S, I held the M&S Charge Card. It used to be fluorescent green!

John Lewis have a store credit card , but I have an account card (business account) with them which can be used at JL or Waitrose.

I used to hold a House of Fraser account card.

When they closed that programme I was transferred over to a House of Fraser Recognition Credit Card.

Subsequently that scheme also got shut down a few years back. I used to go into my local HOF store and settle the account with a cashier.

This arrived:

Matt finish with a shiny Nectar logo. A big improvement IMO.


I want one now


Is that the Starling Bank granny sheen effect I see?

Is Amex doing that to all their cards now?

It is quite Starling.

Still no new Apple Pay image :roll_eyes:


Can you please check what account the Cashpoint card is linked to? I can’t see any savings accounts that mention a cashpoint card on the Lloyds website anymore.

On here they say that you can take money out in-branch, which makes me assume that they give you a card:

Especially as this is the Lloyds equivalent to the Halifax Everyday Saver, which has an optional cash card

I could be entirely wrong though

It’s the Easy Saver. It doesn’t mention a card on the website, but if you download the PDF with the terms and conditions it says “Ask us if you’d like a Cashpoint card to use with your account.”

Please note that you need to ask for a card; you don’t get one automatically, so if you don’t ask, you won’t get one.

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My parents have theirs, but I couldn’t get one. However, I have my Italian Tax ID card which was discontinued soon after I got mine.

Hello all! Longtime lurker of this thread :face_holding_back_tears:

I wanted to ask a question which is unrelated to cars design kinda… but I have a HSBC and Santander Edge account, I was thinking of getting the HSBC global money card as I love that card design so much…

But my main question is how useful is the global money card in reality when compared to my Santander card which just uses the pure Mastercard exchange rate when abroad, I’m guessing HSBC will be using their own rates which will not be as good?

We were watching a movie set in the 90s on Friday night and I saw an old car that reminded me of my first car - a red Ford Orion. Turned to my partner and spits out ‘F305 VCS’.

Why can I remember the reg plate of my first car from 1997 but I don’t know if I picked up butter in the shopping two days ago?


You’d be better asking in the main HSBC thread where there are people who use the GMC.

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Different kinds of memory. The butter is in your episodic memory so you don’t remember details. That’s why you won’t remember how you got to work any day, unless something unusual happened.

Car number plate is in long term memory so you’ll remember that into your dotage. It might also be a flashbulb memory so will stick out even more.

I love the Revolut Ultra design.

One of the best designs in my wallet alongside Zopa Debit Card.

I quite like the Zopa Bank debit card. Current account is currently in Beta.

The card is cute. I say it’s a poor man’s Coutts card but prettier!

Just as well, suits me then haha

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Yeah… I want this plushie :frowning:

£2.5K and it’s yours :wink: