Chase Bank UK chat

Or just move two direct debits?


I received that, but it read as if Iā€™d raised an issue about paying in cash.

I like Chase, but their comms arenā€™t their strong suit. :smirk:

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Yeah, but then I need to keep track of where the money is. Right now I just need to top up the savings account when I get paid and I can ignore it for the rest of the month.

I used to get paid straight into a savings account but had to change as that doesnā€™t count for the cashback.

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It came from chase FYI

Reverse credit card roll out

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Wouldnā€™t the Chase direct debit trick be PayPal, as you can have 2+ current accounts, so just add both to the same PayPal?

Have to wait and see what they mean by ā€œactiveā€, would be annoying if they want monthly.

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I would say active means payments come out every month on that direct debit

No, active is simply having a DD mandate on the account. Iā€™ve gotten away with that on previous CASS transfers even when no money has gone out yet. They expire after a while if not used (13 months?).


Not always. PayPal mandates donā€™t seem to ever go away on their own. Klarna is also still active on my Monzo from Xbox All Access which was all paid up by November 2022.

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Different banks have different definitions of active with regards to offers, some want monthly money out and some are ok with just the mandate being there and no money ever going out.

Iā€™ve setup 2 PayPal DDs, one from my current account and the other from my savings account. Just have to wait and see the full terms now.

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Just been asked to do yet another survey for a credit card so who knows might be soon.



You realise weā€™re gonna have to share the contents of the survey now before @Revels pipes up!

I got the survey too but havenā€™t conpleted it yet.

200w.gif ?cid=6c09b95253z9gv1gdwwgn8rvsceejz1n18kuinzedzxanz08&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w. gif&ct=g

(Saying what the survey is about is less hammers)


It asked what would you use it for, who do you currently use, and what do you think credit card companyā€™s should do better. Nothing confidential in my eyes :joy:


Isnā€™t it open for applications next week? One year since the credit card has been officially on their to-do list.

Mind you paying in cash seems to have hit a bump in the road and itā€™s also been on the to-do list for a year.

No official word. It was meant to go live last year I thought.

I do wonder how far they are with it if theyā€™re still asking questions like this, but apparently they were also sending similar surveys not long before the savings accounts launched too.

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Iā€™m just annoyed I still get no surveys despite them telling me I would.

If it helps I havenā€™t got this one again either :frowning: Iā€™ve always filled them out when Iā€™ve had them but I seem to be in the doghouse with them too.

Perhaps they think you two are the Monzo community leakers.

Especially since theyā€™ve started getting real serious in emphasising this bit:

I wonder if itā€™ll be in a super big font next time too. With the not capitalised.