Chase Bank UK chat

I suspect all that matters is you have at least 2 direct debits set up with Chase in the scheduled payments section and that it won’t really matter where they actually get taken from.

It’s more friction than before, but is fine for someone like me who’s using them as my main banking account. Essentially nothing changes and I don’t have to do anything extra.


I would say it’s something to make people use chase more as a main bank account.

EDIT: confirmed, also asked about credit card


Good work Aydan, that’s useful. Two direct debits is no biggie and upping the number to 2% is nice too.




When I say 2% I do of course mean 1%. It’s the increase to £25 limit I was attempting to allude to….:smirk:


Guess I’m moving 2 direct debits to chase then!


Doing that as we speak :grin:.


I need 2 really low use DD’s I can set up, I have a running balance of < £20 most of the time in there. Hmmm
The cash transfer is trivial for me to be able to keep fleecing the 1%.

Wonder when they are going to actually publish this info. Least they told someone so now you folks can know :joy:

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Increase the credit needed from £500 to £1500 is more of an issue for me.

It’ll mean, if I wanted to keep the cash back, swapping my salary to be paid in to Chase, then to transfer out most of it to my Starling account where all my bills are paid from. Rather than get paid to Starling, and then transfer across to Chase my ‘spending money’ for the month.

(I’ve already got 2 DD setup - that was just in case there was ever a CASS offer from another bank I wanted to take which had a requirement for 2 DD’s to be transferred across as well though!).

Or…give in to what Chase really want, and setup all my SO, DD’s and everything to use them…

I will laugh if they change their mind :smiley:


Do the octopus energy trick?

£1 direct debit, pay the rest of your monthly bill with Apple Pay for the 1%. Tack a penny on to the end of the debit card payment to capitalise on the 99p round up too.


Just move the money when you get paid then move it back.

Yeah I will feel like a right donut if they do lol

Did they reply to/acknowledge your credit card question please?

They sure did but they gave the generic response.

We don`t have an update as of the moment regarding to our credit card, but we will notify you once we are done. I can suggest you to visit our website for more update and new promos.

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Well I wouldn’t take any of this as confirmed until Chase publish it… (Though it does sound like a reasonably plausible offering.)

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Aww that’s good as I am using chase as main account and I have all my dds on there. Plus the £1500 I can meet for wages. Glad to hear the £25 per month is there too for cash back limit.


Hope it doesn’t require the DDs to be from a current account as all mine are from savings accounts. Would be a bit daft if I needed to do the silly £1 DDs from a current account to meet the requirements :person_shrugging:

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