Can we please have a total for upcoming scheduled payments.

I know there is a committed payment total but I personally keep getting a different breakdown depending on which month I am in and a quick total of all the upcoming payments would be a very nice feature. Would be very appreciated and I personally think wouldn’t require a lot of work. Considering you have totals in a lot place. I could be completely wrong and it might be a lot of work but I am hoping it isn’t :open_mouth::grimacing:

Definitely this :point_up:

If you pay these from a Bills Pot you get a remaining total. This does exclude recurring card payments though

It’s one of those few features that the high street banks have and Monzo doesn’t, would be a good addition.

Hi first time posting,

Please add a totalling of all monthly scheduled payments.

I’ve been adding the individual payments on my calculator to see how much money to add to my schedule payment pot,

Stretch goal / a notification if you will be short £x from payment pot, “your scheduled payments are £50 more this month, would you like to add additional money to payment pot?”

Thanks in advance!

Spotlight can do this, swipe down from the Home Screen and tap edit, and turn on Total upcoming.

While it won’t show you individually for Pots and will only show you data based on previous direct debits, it’s likely the closest you’ll get if your payments are variable.