Hi, Looking to move our business banking to Monzo, we need 2x directors to be both admin for the account and card holders. Is that possible with the Pro subscription?
I have been with Monzo business (£5/month) for just over three years and find it great. My better half and I are both Directors and Admin and it works really well. Hope that helps.
Business pro is now £9 a month, just so you know.
From next year it’s £9pm for current members.
New customers are £9 immediately according to the website and launch post a few days/weeks back.
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Thanks Carlo. Yeah I misread the website.
Thanks for the comments but I have not been told about £9 for next year yet. Even so it is hardly an issue for the ease of use, invoice creation etc.
Thanks for the replies all, looks like Monzo will do what we need.