Being able to save in physical Gold and Silver on Monzo

Of course holding physical metals doesn’t earn you dividends like stocks, but what happens when another recession happens and you were invested in stocks, bonds etc and didn’t hedge your bets. But in today’s climate with war with Iran and America looking likely, China wants independence from the US $ so they’re buying up gold big time gold price is shooting up. And it would go without saying to not put all your eggs in one basket. Have some money in stocks and physical metal as a hedge against each other.
Also if you look at all the fiat currencies that have come and gone. They all failed and returned to their Intrinsic value of zero. Gold will not, it does not have an intrinsic value of zero.
An no America has never defaulted, but that’s no indication they can’t or won’t. And why would gold do you no good if a collapse like that would happen? Let’s talk hypothetically. If currency went to zero you can’t use it. So what’s the next best thing that everyone knows has value? My shoe?? It would be gold and silver as they have always been used through out history.

Not saying Maloney is full of baloney but I feel like I’m being brainwashed into a pyramid scheme.

He acknowledge fear is the biggest factor, and then goes into full fomo mode.

Why should he care about my financial situation, he just wants to get his book out and help generate as much interest in Gold & Silver as thats his livelihood.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :open_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

In actuality it would be more likely ready made assets such as clothes

Haha, I was actually referring to Goldmember.

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Gold is absolutely fine as insurance against very bad (but not very, very bad) scenarios. Like all insurance it will cost you though, your holdings in gold will be losing about 2-3% for every year where the economy doesn’t collapse

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Oh yes that was my :open_mouth: should have been in another reply. :smile:

It wasn’t at Maloney whos got a Willem Dafoe green goblin look going on.