App, Security and Privacy (Fingerprint, Pin, or Password)

Yeah, aware of that, not doubting Monzo will do continuously do a great job :ok_hand:

Was just replying within the context of PIN as currently found on iOS and the expectations of this existing feature and its introduction into Android. Was unaware that Monzo were working on new solution for both apps so you are absolutely correct. We can only wait and see!!

To be honest, I’m not sure what’s been confirmed, but I know they’re looking into it and am pretty confident that whatever solution they come up with will be more than adequate from both a technical and usability standpoint.


I too use Starling and Monese more frequently than Monzo because my data is protected by a PIN in both apps


Yet I’m the complete opposite - I hate having to use security every time I go into the Starling app. My phone is personal - it autolocks quickly and has a very long PIN code. I have no need of additional security on any of my apps, it simply introduces unwanted friction.

So I hope that there will be the option to disable any additional app entry security that you need.


I agree. Anything that adds friction to the app I don’t want. An extra PIN entry or TouchID when sending payments is good enough for me as my phone is secure (and even then it’s just so I can do a final check for errors!).

I do understand why people may want an additional layer to open the app at all though.


My phone got hacked a while ago and the used PayPal to buy eBay stuff to the value of £600. Now Monzo really should have some security features to access the apps system!?

Ps I have finger print and logins on all accounts and they still hacked my devices and account

Did you lose any money from your Monzo account?

No I didn’t have a Monzo account then.
This worries me especially if using it as a primary banking account. Phone login is not enough as you can have option to leave phone unlocked when at a certain location eg work or home as seen on Samsung s8 and note 8 phone? If you so what if stolen at home or kids play with it? What measures have you in place for Monzo account management security!?


Here’s an eg of security features on Samsung note 8


Says 6 to 12 month surely security should be at the forefront of any financial application!


There is no point pointing out the need for security on opening the app as others have tried and just get shot down by all those who don’t want the ‘friction’ of security of their data, despite such friction clearly being a deterant and delay to misuse


Maybe it’s should come up time and time so escalated to top of list! I more complain about this may get action rather than not doing anything? What does the FCA say about security and regs on app finance security? Don’t give up make it to the top of the issue raised


I’m pretty sure that the privacy of user’s data isn’t the FCA’s concern but you could check with them..


It is not within their remit I agree.
IMHO it comes under the ægis of the ICO (the data protection registrar)


I concur with Dave it is the ICO not FCA.


I believe it’s already been raised with the ICO & Monzo still haven’t implemented the feature so I guess that tells us whether it’s a significant issue or not, bearing in mind the interim solutions that’re available.

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That would be an interesting one.

I haven’t read enough to know, but would they really have any responsibility for oversight of the protection of my personal data on my personal device? If so then the impact on every company who makes an app on my phone would be quite severe since I could potentially have personal data in all of them.

As I say, it’s just uneducated gut feel but it seems like a stretch to think they’d want to get involved in this sort of thing.


Thanks I’ll dig deeper then

Feed back from Monzo…
I am sorry that this is not yet available, and I understand your concerns regarding this.
Our iOS version does allow the ability to set “Touch ID” to get into the app.
Unfortunately, this is something that is not yet available on the Android version, but we are working on new features, and it is something we are looking at introducing in the future.
If somebody did gain access to your phone, and therefore your Monzo account, they are limited in what they will be able to do.
So, while they will be able to view your information including your transaction history, they would be limited in what they could do.
For example, they would not be able to make payments without knowing your card PIN.
Thank you for your feedback, which we really value. As mentioned above, we are looking at introducing this feature and we are also constantly looking for new ways to improve security even further :muscle: