Any new features on the horizon?

I have a lot of hope for the budgeting features to hit the US version of Monzo, like salary sorter, etc. But every update that hits the app store seems to just be squashing bugs. Any actual features coming to the app soon?

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Keep an eye on :monzo: US related blog posts :eyes: (eg subscribe to their email newsletter)

Surely :monzo_usa: does keep customers up to date :wink::+1:

Where is the US related blog located? I’ll definitely subscribe to emails etc. Thanks.

Did you see this topic?

There’s a link to the new roadmap in that thread

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Main blog is located at

Eg. Chose this article :point_down:

And at the bottom of the article is :point_down:

Not sure how actually it is shown on your side :thinking:
Still, I believe they do divide/split/sort UK and USA customers related articles :relieved:

Salary sorter is out for USA accounts


Hey :wave:! We have a dedicated blog page over at :monzo_usa:

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