A big update to connected accounts

I lost connection to NatWest this morning. Reconnecting has removed my credit card, and all the data, and I can’t get it back. Current account connections are fine. Anyone else experiencing this?

I also lost my NatWest credit card connection, though when I reconnected all the data was still there.

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Must be something up. I’ll try again later

Just noticed I also had a notification saying NatWest is having issues and to reconnect to keep using the account, so does seem like a glitch on NatWest’s end.

There were some post on Facebook about NatWest having app issues, so I guess it could all be related.

Thanks both :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s been resolved.

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Might still be impacting other areas.

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Problems with John Lewis Credit Card again. I still have to confirm access through the JL app every few days. But today, after being transferred back to the Monzo app after confirming in JL, Monzo says there are no supported accounts being shared. It is coinciding with a direct debit payment showing on the card as both paid and pending at the same time (which happens in the JL app every month) so wonder if it’s to do with that.

EDIT: Maybe John Lewis problem as the app won’t show my transactions at the moment.

EDIT2: Back up again after JL app started working again. Sorry for noise.

Anyone with a Barclaycard platinum? It’s apparently not supported but I’m convinced I had it in my Monzo app at one point…

I have BarclayCard Platinum Visa card in Monzo… so it must be supported…

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Tried 3 times and said not supported, tried again just now and it worked. :man_shrugging:t2:

@_lewis just in case no messages have gotten through to your team, Chase seems to be broken and are best guess is that it’s connect accounts related

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Thought it was just me, I’ve had the same thing with Chase, every transaction is showing 3 times.

This is only in the activity view, not the individual card view.

It also affects old data. As I scroll back, it actively duplicates transactions as I go back.

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All mine are duplicated 8 times, maybe it’s linked to the number of accounts we’re pulling from Chase although I thought it was duplicating 6 or 7 times when I first spotted it.

(Edit) I forgot we’d already worked out transactions are duplicating in every Chase account

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That would make sense, I have 3 Chase accounts added to that tracks.

This is new!!! :astonished:


Can’t see that for me in the widget area. Is it April? :smile:

Sorry this should of been in the iOS18 thread come to think of it.

Ah nice. I’ll look forward to that in Sept. Though not sure why a widget need to wait until iOS 18 :person_shrugging:

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