You are losing out by cancelling the top up option!

not really, Nick Clegg never gave free tuition at any point, just promised it if you voted for his party , and was never really in his gift as a minor party - top ups by debit card are still available and are still free, so the CA works in exactly the same way as the pre paid at the moment - of course this could change as circumstances change, just like everything in life :slight_smile:


The problem is, the product had to change due to top-ups being expensive. Not saying you’re completely wrong, but I don’t see how Monzo’s “promise” has hurt anybody. If anything, users who switched to the current account still got a few months more of “prepaid” use out of it until the top-ups are finally phased out.

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I guess that it’s true that the top up function is being deliberately hidden to discourage its use, and to encourage the use of transfers. It’s not a bad thing to encourage users to use a service in the best way for Monzo, in my view. The option still exists for those who need it, and for me, it is now equal in awkwardness to doing a transfer from my other bank.

Nothing like Nick Clegg’s promise, though.


Exactly my situation. I have an associated mortgage.

Out of interest does that stipulate you have to have your salary paid in etc? You could have your salary swapped to Monzo and have your mortgage paid off direct from here or setup a standing order for the amount to go into your other account where they take the money from?

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Honestly, I need to look at the terms. I think it might, but considering I’m self employed and it can be several months between payments in, I’m not sure it’s a real issue. I think the main one is the mortgage payment has to come from that account.

I’m looking into ways to make this work, but considering my large priority payments are from that account, it makes sense to have my income land there first.


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