On the blog we’ve been writing guides, busting myths and answering FAQs, all in an effort to understand how money works. And I’m on the hunt for topics we should cover next.
So tell me! What do you find confusing about money, that you think needs clearing up?
It can be anything from a whole topic you think we need to cover, or a common misconception you always hear people getting wrong.
I have a pension through work and both me and my employer pay into it on a four weekly basis, however, I don’t really understand it all . I know I need a pension and I keep getting told the one I have is a good one as its final salary but that’s all I know
I currently pay in 8.5% and my employer pays in 12.5% so 21% in total. I started working for the company when I was 27 years old so I am assuming I have been paying enough in then?
The perks of being heavily unionised I guess? I know final salary pensions are meant to be a rarity these days but that’s all I know. I think a blog post on the types of pensions would be good. My assumption is that if it’s final salary it means when I retire I still get my full salary but I’m sure that can’t be right?