Wealth Management (Investment Portfolio)

Like many other people, I have a workplace pension that has regular contributions paid into it. Also, I have a stocks and shares ISA that I contribute to periodically. I have a tough time tracking how my overall portfolio is doing, given that my portfolio is split over two platforms.

I want to be able to connect my Vanguard and Standard Life accounts to my Monzo account, so I can be able to see how my investments are doing at a glance. I’ve seen this service offered by personalcapital.com and other firms, but unfortunately, they are US-only. It would be nice if I can start orders or change the funds that I invest in, but I want to be able to track my portfolio from the Monzo app.

I believe many people would be willing to pay for this service, given its usefulness and its unavailability in the UK market. Which is why I think this is an excellent idea because I know that the Monzo team is trying hard to find revenue streams to start to get money rolling in.